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Research on cloud computing earns award 10 years after publication

Research on cloud computing earns award 10 years after publication

Professor Marin Litoiu, from the School of Information Technology, along with an interdisciplinary group of colleagues, have received the Most Influential Paper award for research on cloud computing that was published 10 years ago.

The award was announced Nov. 5 during the CASCON x EVOKE 2019 Gala Awards Reception, and recognized a paper that was published at CASCON 2009, the 19th annual Conference for Computer Science and Software Engineering. It was presented to Litoiu and colleagues Ye Hu and Johnny Wong from the University of Waterloo and Gabriel Iszlai from IBM.

No stranger to collaborative research, Litoiu is jointly appointed as associate professor in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies’ School of Information Technologyi and in the Lassonde School of Engineering’s Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department.

The paper, “Resource Provisioning for Cloud Computing,” explored the then newly created field of cloud computing and how computing resources can be allocated across a mix of applications to minimize cost and maintain performance.

Most Influential Paper awards are decided by a selection committee that evaluates the academic and industrial impact of a paper and its influence in shaping the research field.

Up until cloud computing, applications were deployed on a number of dedicated computers based on peak demand. This was not a cost-effective strategy because during off-peak times, computing resources were not used efficiently. In contrast, in cloud computing, resources can be shared by many applications and can be dynamically provisioned (technique known as autonomic resource management). This can yield efficient resource usage as well as a quick response when workloads change. To this end, Litoiu and his team examined autonomic resource management in cloud computing and devised dynamic strategies for sharing resources based on application characteristics.

CASCON is the premier industrial and academic conference for advanced studies in computer science and software engineering sponsored by the IBM Canada Laboratory. CASCON attracts software developers, researchers, innovators, technologists and decision-makers from academia, industry and government who come together to learn about technology trends, present papers, participate in workshops and exhibit prototypes and solutions.

To learn more about this research, see the award-winning paper, Resource Provisioning for Cloud Computing, published in Proceedings of the 2009 Conference of the Center for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, November 2009.

This story was original published on yFile.