Principle 8: Strengthen collegiality, accountability, and communication
Vision 2026
LA&PS will be a space where academic planning and governance are collegial, democratic, and inclusive processes, and where a commitment to respect others and care for their well-being guides Faculty endeavours.
Enhance collegiality and willingness to listen and learn from others, recognizing that the university is a space where a diversity of perspectives can be expressed and discussed within an environment that upholds academic freedom.
Prioritize transparency and accountability in all aspects of academic governance, from curricular development to budgetary decisions.
Build on the tradition of the LA&PS Colleges as places where faculty, staff, and students can come together over shared academic and extracurricular interests to build a sense of belonging and identity.
Recognize the valuable teaching, research, and service contributions to the Faculty of both contract faculty and teaching assistants.
Sustain and renew the ideals and practices of the modern university by drawing from our own tradition of self-examination and reflection.