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ADMS 2500

ADMS 2500

Home » Support & Resources » PASS Program » ADMS 2500 Section PASS Session

ADMS 2500

Introduction to Financial Accounting

PASS Session Information

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When: Wednesday 12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Where: Founders College 015A
PASS Leader: Nicholas Natale

If the session is offered over Zoom, before attempting to meet on Zoom, make sure that you're joining the call at the appropriate day and time!

Hello! I’m Nick and I’m in my 3rd year of the B.Comm Program specializing in Accounting. This is my first year as a PASS leader, and I’ll be hosting sessions for ADMS 2500. In my free time I like going to the gym and watching movies.

Nicholas Natale, Pass Leader

Nicholas Natale headshot
