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Book launch celebrates new publications from Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics faculty

Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics (DLLL), in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS), celebrated the recent book publications of its faculty members to recognize their academic and creative contributions in a virtual group book launch recently.

This event showcased the book publications (2021-22) of DLLL scholars: Associate Professor Gabriela Alboiu, Professor Sheila Embleton, Associate Professor Walid El Khachab, faculty member Irene Marques and Adjunct Professor Eric S. Wheeler. Associate Professor Peter Avery and Professor Susan Ehrlich from DLLL also joined the celebration and discussion in this event.

“This group book launch was of great importance to all faculty members in DLLL in celebrating the recent publications of our colleagues, sharing our research results, and strengthening our mutual support, all of which are at the heart of our ongoing academic efforts in this department,” said event organizer Jessica Tsui-yan Li, associate professor and research coordinator of DLLL (2021-22).

From upper left to lower right: Jessica Tsui-yan Li, Eric S. Wheeler, Walid El Khachab, Gabriela Alboiu, Irene Marques, Sheila Embleton, Peter Avery, Susan Ehrlich, Maria João Dodman

This book launch was supported by Ravi de Costa, associate professor and associate dean in research and graduate studies in LA&PS. “These publications show the breadth of scholarship and creativity in the Department and underscore the importance of understanding human diversity and capability through the study of language,” said de Costa.

Maria João Dodman, associate professor and DLLL’s Chair, commended the authors for their perseverance in her closing remarks. “How, despite the known difficulties caused by COVID, researchers in DLLL continue to thrive, today’s showcase represents a slice of a large, rich and varied production of research in languages, literatures and linguistics. A wide range of scholarship published in high ranked venues and enriched by scholars able to publish in numerous languages around the globe,” she said.

Some of the recent book publications (2021-22) by DLLL’s faculty members include:

Originally published in YFile.