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Michele A. Johnson

Michele Johnson is a professor of history and Associate Dean Students in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies at York University.

Michael Bucknor

Michael Bucknor is senior lecturer and public orator at the University of the West Indies’ Mona Campus. His research interests include Canadian-Caribbean writing, diaspora studies, masculinities, and popular cultures.

Melanie Newton

Melanie Newton is an associate professor in the Department of History at the University of Toronto and specializes in the history of the Caribbean and Atlantic World.

Melanie Knight

Melanie Knight is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology and Advisor to the Dean of the Faculty of Arts on Blackness and Black Diasporic Education at Ryerson University. Her areas of research include Black organizing and activism, Black women business ownership, and Black economic initiatives.

Mary Goitom

Mary Goitom is an Associate Professor in York University’s School of Social Work. Her teaching and research include migration, diasporic connections, social relations, and transnational processes.

Mark V. Campbell

Mark V. Campbell is assistant professor and associate chair of Music and Culture in the Department of Arts, Culture and Media at the University of Toronto. His work explores Afrosonic innovations.

Marie-Célie Agnant

Marie-Célie Agnant is a Haitian-Canadian novelist and poet.

Malinda Smith

Malinda Smith is a Professor in the University of Calgary’s Political Science Department and the Vice Provost for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

Mairuth Sarsfield

Mairuth Sarsfield is a novelist and journalist born and raised in Montreal, Quebec.

M. NourbeSe Philip

M. NourbeSe Philip is a Trinidadian Canadian Poet, novelist, playwright, and short story writer.