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"Improving the Standard of Motherhood: Infant Welfare in Post-Slavery British Guiana" in Health and Medicine in the circum-Caribbean, 1800-1968

This collection, which covers the French, Hispanic, Dutch, and British Caribbean, explores the cultural and social domains of medical experience and considers the dynamics and tensions of power. The chapters emphasize contestations over forms of medicalization and the controls of public health and address the politics of professionalization, not simply as an expression of colonial […]

"Historical Commentaries. British Guiana (Guyana)" in The Marcus Garvey Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, Volume XI: The Caribbean Diaspora, 1910-1920

Revealing the connections between the major African-American mass movement of the interwar era and the struggle of the Caribbean people for independence, this volume includes the letters, speeches, and writings of Caribbean Garveyites and their opponents, as well as documents and speeches by Garvey, newspaper articles, colonial correspondence and memoranda, and government investigative records.

"Crossing colonial boundaries: health and the responses of 'colonial mediators' to the crisis of the 1930s in the French and British Caribbean" in Canadian journal of Latin American and Caribbean studies, 38 (2)

This paper explores the responses of two Caribbean men, the Jamaican Harold Moody and the French Guyanese Félix Eboué, to the economic and political crisis in the Caribbean in the 1930s, focusing on their views about health and colonial medical systems. It examines some of the international and Caribbean experiences that shaped their views and […]

"'A Laudable Experiment': Infant Welfare Work and Medical Intermediaries in Early Twentieth-century Barbados" in Public Health in the British empire: Intermediaries, Subordinates, and Public Health Practice, 1850-1960

Over the last several decades, historians of public health in Britain’s colonies have been primarily concerned with the process of policy making in the upper echelons of the medical and sanitary administrations. Yet it was the lower level staff that formed the backbone of public health systems in the colonies. Although they constituted the bases […]

Black Canadians: History, Experience, Social Conditions

Black Canadians provides an authoritative reference for teachers, students and the general public who seek to know more about the Black Diaspora in North America. Arguments made in this book may be unpleasant for those with little appetite for pointed, provocative views and analysis from the standpoint of Black people. For those with a genuine interest […]

The Problem of Slavery in Early Vermont, 1777-1810

Harvey Amani Whitfield forces us to squarely consider the deepest questions about what freedom actually meant for African Americans in Vermont well into the nineteenth century.

North to Bondage: Loyalist Slavery in the Maritimes

North to Bondage traces the transition and movement of black people from slavery in the United States to continued slavery in the Maritimes. It is not an optimistic story of slavery to freedom but rather a narrative about forced migration, displacement, and the expansion of slavery in the British Empire. Piecing together fragments of the archival […]

Blacks on the Border: The Black Refugees in British North America, 1815–1860

Following the American Revolution, free black communities and enslaved African Americans increasingly struggled to reconcile their African heritage with their American home. This struggle resulted in tens of thousands of African Americans seeking new homes in areas as diverse as Haiti and Nova Scotia. Black refugees arrived in Nova Scotia after the War of 1812 […]

Black Slavery in the Maritimes: A History in Documents

Many thousands of black people were enslaved in the Maritimes, Quebec, and Upper Canada between the seventeenth and early nineteenth centuries. It is not surprising that slavery played a part in Canadian history, but it is startling that it has not received widespread attention from the general Canadian public or from historians. This sourcebook collects […]