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Katie O’Connor

Katie O’Connor

Home » Katie O’Connor

Katie O’Connor

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Marketing Coordinator, Ricoh Canada
Communication Studies, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Honours 2015

After graduating from the Communication Studies program, I left with a positive outlook on my coursework, the faculty, and my desire to continue my education with York University. During my BA, I had the great fortune of working as a Research Assistant for Professor Anne MacLennan who was instrumental in my decision to pursue the graduate program. Other professors in the program who were an absolute joy to work with were Dr. Rob Heynen and Dr. Natalie Coulter. These three professors take great care in their teaching and genuinely enjoy seeing students succeed.

Following my BA, I promptly enrolled in The Joint Graduate Program in Communication and Culture with York and Ryerson Universities. The graduate program was complementary to the work I did during BA and I loved my time in the program. I highly recommend this program!

My advice to prospective and new students is enjoy (and take care of) yourself, work hard, and make friends. The Communication Studies program has a massive amount of opportunities for students to engage and network with alumni and media professionals. There are also plenty of ways to step out of your comfort zone and take a course on something you know nothing about and possibly end up loving it. (For me, this was Advertising, thanks Dr. Coulter!)

Since completing my BA and MA at York, I have worked for various not-for-profit organizations such as a national art gallery, major international film festival, and an urban theatre company with a focus on marketing, communications, and social media. Currently, I have transitioned into the business sector. I owe the development of my skills and experiences to York University’s Communication Studies program. It provided me with a path and foundation to hone skills in the media industry, develop critical thinking, and the ability to enter the workplace with confidence and a positive mind.

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