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Brittany Shapovalov

Brittany Shapovalov

Home » Brittany Shapovalov

Brittany Shapovalov

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Marketing Coordinator, York University’s School of Continuing Studies
Communication Studies, Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Honours 2012

Several months after achieving my Honours Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies and English, I found work as an Administrative Assistant at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. Although this role was not within my communications/marketing field,I gained a wealth of transferable skills that proved to be vital to my current success. After two years of administrative experience, I took a major leap of faith and with no family or professional connections, relocated to Edmonton, Alberta in search of a marketing role. Within a month of moving, I landed an excellent position as Marketing Coordinator with a non-for-profit funded by the Canadian and Albertan government. I now had the opportunity to apply much of what I learned during my time at York, while acquiring new skills like website writing and overall content management, webinar production, project management, and events planning. Additionally, I had the opportunity to earn my Master’s degree in Communication, Media, and Advertising. However, after almost 2.5 years, the loneliness of not having my family nearby loomed. I then returned to Ontario and after many months, managed to once again secure an exceptional Marketing Coordinator role, this time, with the same community that helped to mold me, York University. For the past 7 months, I’ve been with the School of Continuing Studies department, helping to promote our programs and I could not be happier.I’m in an exciting, fast-paced role that continues to challenge me and expand my expertise. I’m still fairly junior in my career, but my education and experiences are preparing me for a promising future.I would describe the Communications Studies program at York as ‘comprehensive’. It offers a wide-range of specializations and opportunities for prospective communications professionals. The course that is most prominent in my mind is COMM 1310,“Introduction to Communications”. Students were provided with an all-encompassing view of the communications field which touched on everything from advertising techniques to possible career paths. This course was essential to understanding the industry and recognizing its importance to society.

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