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Sikai Zhan

Sikai Zhan

Home » Sikai Zhan

Sikai Zhan

Sikai Zhan profile photo

Professional Writing

My advice to new students would be don't be afraid to talk to your professors. You will find they are very nice and helpful, and they do want you to succeed. Outside the classroom, they are nice people just like everyone else. Be sure to make friends; you will more than likely find very like-minded people in your program who will become your precious comrades as you battle through university.

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Titilayo Desbiens profile photo

Titilayo Desbiens

Director, Human Resources, TTC Pension Plan

Chantelle Meiboom profile photo

Chantelle Meiboom

Communication Studies
Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Honours 2013

Associate Vice President, Internet Marketing, 9thCO

Sofia Mendonca profile photo

Sofia Mendonca

Human Resources Management
Bachelor of Human Resources Management (BHRM) 2010

Chief Talent Officer, Human Resources, Omnicom Media Group Canada

Daniela Ruffolo profile photo

Daniela Ruffolo

Graduate Program in Public Policy, Administration & Law
Master of Public Policy, Administration and Law (MPPAL) 2019

Program Analyst, Regional Municipality of York
