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Alyssa Offenheim

Alyssa Offenheim

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Alyssa Offenheim

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Policy Analyst, Ministry of the Solicitor General
Graduate Program in Public Policy, Administration & Law, Master of Public Policy, Administration and Law (MPPAL) 2020
Public Administration, Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA) 2019

Tell prospective students a bit about the work you do.

As Policy Analyst in the Strategic Policy, Research and Innovation Division, I contribute to the Division's responsibility to provide advice, analysis and recommendations on strategic policy issues related to community safety and correctional services. Our unit's work is interesting and dynamic as we support the government on a range of priorities. Currently, our unit is supporting the implementation of the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019. My role is to provide policy research and analytical services on policy issues and to build strong relationships with key partners across government and industry.

Tell prospective students a bit about how your studies at York helped you to get where you are today.

The Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA) program equipped me well with a foundational understanding of government decision-making, Canadian law, and public policy and research. My specialization in Management also allowed me to refine my accounting and project management abilities so that I can confidently contribute to strategic planning and public sector management on the job. Furthermore, the experiential learning courses in the fourth year of the BPA program, such as the practicum and the program evaluation project, aided me in my transition to the workforce as I developed strong transferable skills to complement the knowledge and technical abilities I was gaining through coursework.

The Master of Public Policy, Administration and Law (MPPAL) program was transformative for my personal and professional development, and allowed me to further develop the knowledge and skills I gained in the BPA program. I had the ability to thoroughly explore policy areas of interest to me, and to problem-solve the issues facing society today with brilliant colleagues through a variety of learning activities.

Through the MPPAL program, I secured internship opportunities to support my career development. During the school year, I completed a rotational internship as a Policy Analyst at the Regional Municipality of York where I contributed to high-priority projects across three policy areas. Over the summer, I worked at the Ontario Treasury Board Secretariat as a Master's policy co-op student, where I provided policy development services and enterprise-wide advice in the area of transparency and accountability. In these roles, I applied what I was learning in the classroom to add value to projects, initiatives, and meetings. These experiences were invaluable, and allowed me to gain the knowledge and skills to get where I am today.

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