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Amuna Baraka-Clarke

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Amuna Baraka-Clarke


Sr. Director, People & Culture, LOFT Community Services
Graduate Program in Public Policy, Administration & Law, Master of Public Policy, Administration and Law (MPPAL) 2018

Tell prospective students a bit about the work you do.

I serve as Sr. Director, People & Culture at a large mental health organization in Ontario. My work focuses on talent development, learning, organizational design, and DEI. Through my work, I partner with front line staff and leadership to find innovative solutions that are grounded in the principles of decent work. I do this by working to strengthen organizational structures and practices through strategic human resources interventions and the engagement of policy.

Tell prospective students a bit about how your studies at York helped you to get where you are today.

I decided to go back to university decades after obtaining my undergraduate degree because I felt that I needed to engage those muscles that helped me to think critically and remain current. I had a lot of experience in the non-profit sector and wanted an opportunity to learn how to best use those experiences to shape policy. The MPPAL program helped me to gain insight and skill in working with the policy levers that have a direct impact on equity-deserving groups.

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