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Fatima Qurban-Ali

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Fatima Qurban-Ali


Indigenous Studies

Indigenous Studies has given me the opportunity to learn about the history of indigenous peoples in Canada as well as Canada's immigration history. Understanding Canada's colonial past helped me learn how to identify discriminatory systems in policies, laws and organizations. All of which contributed to my knowledge of anti-racist systems and practices and forms of reconciliation and healing.

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Trisha Oghenekowho

Social Work

Social Worker/Attendance Counsellor, Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB)


Nupur Khandelwal

Human Resources Management
Bachelor of Human Resources Management (BHRM) 2007

Director, Talent Management, LCBO


Kim Coote, CPA, CGA

Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Honours 1993

CFO, Whitecap Venture Partners/Whitecastle Management Limited


Cheryl Nomdarkhon


In-Centre Landmark Forum Registration Manager, Landmark Worldwide Canada Ltd
