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Laura Alfano Victoria

Laura Alfano Victoria

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Laura Alfano Victoria

Laura Alfano Victoria profile photo

Senior Director, Talent Acquisition, McKesson
Graduate Program in Human Resource Management, Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM) 2021

Laura Alfano Victoria is a seasoned Talent Acquisition and HR professional with over 20 years of progressive experience. She has an extensive international talent attraction & acquisition background spanning several industries including software, pharmaceuticals, insurance and consulting with companies including McKesson, OpenText & Willis Towers Watson. Through her career she has built and scaled global talent organizations and has focused extensively on DEI through the recruitment process, process optimization, talent analytics, employer brand evolution and early careers attraction and development strategies.  
Laura resides in Nobleton, Ontario (just north of Toronto) with her spouse and 3 karate kids. Outside of work you’ll find Laura at her local yoga studio practicing her arm balances and handstands. 
Laura graduated from York University’s Master of Human Resources Management program in October 2021. 

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