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Shirelle Goodman

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Shirelle Goodman


Sexuality Studies 2012

I believe that the Sexuality Studies program allowed me to explore various aspects of society in a safe environment. The Sexuality Studies faculty professors were fantastic, and encouraged thought provoking discussions in their classes.

I think that the critical approach I took to understanding how gender and sexuality interacts with society on a regular basis prepared me for the thought process necessary to succeed as a lawyer. I doubt I would be where I am today without the learning I experienced while completing my undergraduate degree.

My advice to new students is don't be afraid to reach out to alumni who are working in positions you hope to one day hold. I always say yes when a student asks if I will meet them for coffee because they have a few questions about my industry or experiences.

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Tara Sutherland


Front End Supervisor, Value Village


Mollika Bashar

Graduate Program in Economics
Master of Arts (MA) 2015

Senior Economist, Indigenous Services Canada, Government of Canada


Hunain Amir

Information Technology
Bachelor of Arts (BA) 2019

Security Manager, FlashFood


Erinn Campbell (McLean)

Graduate Program in Public Policy, Administration & Law
Master of Public Policy, Administration and Law (MPPAL) 2019

Supervisor, Licensing Services, City of Oshawa
