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Mining Memory - A film by Daniel Yon

Mining Memory

Mining Memory is a visual meditation on the journeys, both actual and metaphorical, of 100 men who departed the Island of St Helena bound for employment in Concordia, Namaqualand, in the Northern Cape in 1907. It gathers the memory of these men, through conversations with their descendants as it also dwells on the remains of copper mining –the scars, ruins and debris- on the vast and spectacular landscape of Namaqualand. Mining Memory opens up questions and debates in environmental and maritime humanities about the tensions caused by the ecological damage caused by mining and the livelihood and prospects for employment in a part of South Africa suffering from a history of colonial racialized poverty and chronic unemployment.

When: Wednesday, March 20th, 2019
Time: 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Where: Nat Taylor Cinema (York University)

Mining Memory (a film by Daniel Yon) - Poster (PDF)