The Department of Anthropology includes affiliated faculty who are trained in anthropology yet situated in other departments at York University. We are fortunate that they bring their research specialties, professional expertise, and dynamic teaching and mentorship to our department.
Alan Durston
Associate Professor, Dept of History, Faculty of LA&PS, 416-736-2100 x66962 (Voicemail) Kaneff Tower, 827, 74 York Blvd.
Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston
Graduate Program Director/Associate Professor, Dept. of Theatre, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design., 416-736-5172. Centre For Film & Theatre, 312, 85 York Boulevard
Meg Luxton
Professor, School of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies, Faculty of LA&PS, 416-736-2100 x20933 Founders College, 206D, 99 Ottawa Road
Carlota McAllister
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology and the former director of the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean. From 2013-16 I served on ...
Felipe Montoya
Professor; Chair of Neotropical Conservation, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change - Full-time Faculty. Health, Nursing and Environmental Studies Building, 286., 416-736-2100 x22226
Michael Nijhawan
Dept of Sociology, Undergraduate Program Director & Associate Professor Vari Hall, 2146, 100 York Boulevard. 416-736-2100 x77994