Research News

LA&PS Prof receives SSHRC grant to redefine Canadian identities
By Jessica Kubin Anne F. MacLennan, an associate professor in the Department of Communication & Media Studies, has received a prestigious Partnership Development Grant from the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) for her groundbreaking research project “Interrogating Canadian Identities (ICI).” Perceptions of Canadian identities that have persisted since the country’s centennial celebrations in […]

Greek Canadian Archives at York U continues to grow, preserve history
The Hellenic Heritage Foundation Greek Canadian Archives (HHF GCA) at York University, has had an eventful year with significant acquisitions, extensive digitization projects, innovative research and expanded public outreach. Vasilis Molos – director and research lead of the archives – has been supported by a dedicated group of scholars assembled by Professor Sakis Gekas that is helping preserve and narrate the history […]

LA&PS students win research awards
The Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS) recently held a special celebration recognizing this year’s Dean’s Award for Research Excellence (DARE) winners. Forty-seven recipients presented their research projects, which were completed over the summer under the supervision of LA&PS professors, through creative posters. “DARE is such an innovative and impactful initiative for LA&PS,” said LA&PS Dean J.J. […]

LA&PS researchers receive more than $800k in funding under SSHRC Insight programs
Researchers from York University’s Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies have received more than $800k in funding to pursue research initiatives under SSHRC Insight Development Grants and Insight Grants. “Our researchers are at the forefront of new developments in their respective fields,” says Ravi de Costa, Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies at […]

LA&PS Researcher receives new CFI funding for cutting-edge project
LA&PS researcher Arik Senderovich has received new infrastructure funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) for his project on Data Analytics in Services. The York researchers received a combined total of $745,204 from CFI’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF), which supports institutions in attracting top talent and acquiring the state-of-the-art tools and equipment […]

2024 York University Research Awards Celebration
Each year, the York University Research Award Celebration celebrates York’s scholars across all faculties and schools for their remarkable achievements. The President and Vice-President Research and Innovation take the opportunity to recognize their efforts and contributions to the world as drivers of positive change. This year LA&PS researchers in diverse areas are praised for their […]

York U initiative amplifies voices of refugee youth
York University’s Singing Our Stories project, led by Professor Andrea Emberly, aims to amplify the voices of refugee and newcomer children and youth through music and collaborative arts creation. Partnering with refugee settlement agencies COSTI and CultureLink, as well as international research leaders in applied community music, Singing Our Stories mobilizes arts- and music-based programs to […]

Professor advances understanding of animal consciousness
A major new declaration co-initiated by York University professor and philosopher Kristin Andrews affirms there is strong scientific evidence that not just mammals and birds, but potentially all vertebrates and many invertebrates, possess conscious experiences. The New York Declaration on Animal Consciousness, unveiled on April 19 at a conference at New York University, states that the empirical […]

York University Professor receives community research award
York University Assistant Professor Marsha Rampersaud, who teaches law and society in the Department of Social Science in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, has received a prestigious award from Community-Based Research Canada (CBRCanada) in recognition of her work with marginalized youth. The Emerging Community-Based Researcher Award is among the top honours given out […]