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Research News 2019

Historic new research survey of Canadian Jews points to growing, diverse and cohesive community

Historic new research survey of Canadian Jews points to growing, diverse and cohesive community

  Tuesday, March 12 marked the release of a major new survey that for the first time provided a comprehensive portrait of what it means to be Jewish in Canada. The findings touched on areas such as identity, practices and experiences. This survey is benchmarked against comparable research in the United States and shows that […]

York research projects honoured by lieutenant-governor of Ontario

York research projects honoured by lieutenant-governor of Ontario

  The Lieutenant-Governor’s Ontario Heritage Awards for Excellence in Conservation celebrate outstanding contributions to cultural and natural heritage conservation, environmental sustainability and biodiversity. This year, York University’s Department of History was honoured with two of these awards. Gilberto Fernandes, a postdoctoral Fellow at the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies and the History Department, was recognized for […]

Unpacking politics of Higher Ed info hubs for Indigenous and international students

Unpacking politics of Higher Ed info hubs for Indigenous and international students

  Glendon Professor and Acting Director at the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, Jean Michel Montsion, has undertaken some compelling research on Ontario universities’ service delivery to Indigenous and international students, focusing on three universities. He argues that the spatiality – that is, any property relating to or occupying space – of the information hubs […]

Learn more about privacy in a digital world during IRDL speaker presentation

Learn more about privacy in a digital world during IRDL speaker presentation

  What is internet privacy, and how does it apply to you? Learn more about this timely topic from York University Assistant Professor Jonathan Obar on Feb. 11 when he delivers the talk “Privacy! Now that I’ve got your attention, let’s talk about privacy.” The event, which runs as part of the Institute for Research […]

York professors address culture and race with Toronto’s Ghanaian community

York professors address culture and race with Toronto’s Ghanaian community

  York University Professor Joseph Mensah, Chair of the Department of Geography, teamed up with Professor Sylvia Bawa from the Department of Sociology and PhD candidate Evelyn Kissi from Critical Disability Studies to convene a well-attended and participant-driven Community Conversation titled “Black Continental Africans in Canada: Black & Black African Diaspora Relations.” The event was […]

Communication Studies hosts panel discussion on climate change and communication

Communication Studies hosts panel discussion on climate change and communication

  Climate change and communication will be the focus of a panel discussion on Jan. 31, hosted by the Department of Communication Studies at York University. The event will feature guest speakers Tyrone Hall and Carmen Victor, both PhD candidates in Communication Studies, who will explore the topics of climate change and environmental communication. This panel […]

Canada’s residential school history includes state-sanctioned violence

Canada’s residential school history includes state-sanctioned violence

  Canada’s first prime minister, John A. Macdonald and, to a lesser extent, Duncan Campbell Scott, deputy superintendent of Indian Affairs (1913-32), have become highly contentious figures in recent debates about Canada’s residential school history. In this context, an article by Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Professor Karen Bridget Murray is particularly timely. […]

York U philosophy professor discusses video manipulation.

York U philosophy professor discusses video manipulation.

  In a MacLean’s article entitled ‘Fake video is a big problem. And it’s only going to get worse’, Philosophy professor Regina Rini explains why innovations in video manipulation techniques- and their availability in off-the-shelf programs that will soon be accessible to the public—are concerning. With technology improving each year, anyone can contribute to the […]