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Research Spotlight

LA&PS Postdoctoral Fellow: Kennedy Opande

LA&PS Postdoctoral Fellow: Kennedy Opande

  The LA&PS Research Office is pleased to introduce one of the LA&PS Postdoctoral Fellows, Kennedy Opande. Opande completed his PhD at the Institute of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies, University of Nairobi in Anthropology. Opande will work with supervisor Denielle Elliott, a Professor in the Departments of Anthropology and Social Science. Professor Elliott holds a York Research […]

Interim Director: Carlo Fanelli, Global Labour Research Centre

Interim Director: Carlo Fanelli, Global Labour Research Centre

As you may know, Professor Adrian Smith, Director of the Global Labour Research Centre (GLRC), will be on sabbatical from July 2024 to June 2025. We are pleased to announce that Carlo Fanelli, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, has accepted to take on the role of GLRC's Interim Director.   Carlo Fanelli is an […]

LA&PS Professor Jennifer Bonnell awarded BC Lieutenant Governor’s Medal for Historical Writing

LA&PS Professor Jennifer Bonnell awarded BC Lieutenant Governor’s Medal for Historical Writing

LA&PS Professor Jennifer Bonnell was awarded the Lieutenant Governor’s Medal for Historical Writing from the BC Historical Federation for her book titled Stewards of Splendour: A History of Wildlife and People in British Columbia (Royal BC Museum, 2023). Stewards of Splendour explores British Columbians’ changing relationships with wild animals and their habitats over more than 250 […]

LA&PS Professor Joann Jasiak Awarded SSHRC Connection Grant

LA&PS Professor Joann Jasiak Awarded SSHRC Connection Grant

LA&PS Professor Joann Jasiak was awarded a SSHRC Connection Grant, for a project titled: “Inequality measures and econometric modelling.” The goal of the project is to organize an academic conference in Toronto on October 25-27, 2024. This conference will make a unique contribution by showcasing state-of-the-art methodological developments and cover a broad range of inequality […]

Professor Christina Sharpe named 2024 Guggenheim Fellow

Professor Christina Sharpe named 2024 Guggenheim Fellow

The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation has awarded its prestigious fellowship to Christina Sharpe, a professor in York University’s Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS) and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in the Department of Humanities. The Guggenheim Foundation is a beacon of excellence in supporting scholars, artists, and researchers in their endeavours […]

LA&PS Professor Joshua Fogel Awarded SSHRC Connection Grant

LA&PS Professor Joshua Fogel Awarded SSHRC Connection Grant

Dr. Joshua Fogel was awarded a SSHRC Connection Grant for a project titled “Translation within a world of Chinese characters.” The aim of the project is to examine how people in the early modern and modern eras of East Asian history translated each other's works, and how interpretation (in a non-literary sense) was done. The aim […]

LA&PS Professor David Koffman Awarded Partnership Engage Grant

LA&PS Professor David Koffman Awarded Partnership Engage Grant

Dr. Koffman was awarded a SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant (PEG) for a project titled “Life and Literature of Jews from the Former Soviet Union:  Amplifying New Voices in Canada.” The project involves a multi-disciplinary scholarly symposium about the lives and literature of Canadian Jews from the Former Soviet Union; a writers' workshop for Canadian-Ukrainian-Russian-East Slavic Jewish novelists, poets and […]

LA&PS Professor Adrian Shubert Awarded Connection Grant

LA&PS Professor Adrian Shubert Awarded Connection Grant

Professor Adrian Shubert was awarded a SSHRC Connection Grant for a project titled “Phase 2 of 'Spanish Civil War: A Virtual Museum: Adding New Galleries and Content, Extending the Audience, and Developing Resources for Educators" (SCWVM). This is an outreach project whose overarching goal is to further extend knowledge exchange and dissemination about one of […]

Professor Sylvia Bawa announces the publication of her co-edited book, Truth Commissions and State Building

Professor Sylvia Bawa announces the publication of her co-edited book, Truth Commissions and State Building

Professor Sylvia Bawa announces the publication of her co-edited book, Truth Commissions and State Building, by McGill-Queen's University Press. This book examines truth commissions' mandates, methods, outcomes and legacies and how they shape state-building processes in transitional and restorative justice contexts. Professor Bawa states that "our limited goal in the book was to broadly map the expanding […]

“In My Life”: Loving Queerly and Singing Across Generations by Dr. Casey Mecija

“In My Life”: Loving Queerly and Singing Across Generations by Dr. Casey Mecija

LA&PS Dr. Casey Mecija​ recently published an article in a academic online publication called Sounding Out! The article “In My Life”: Loving Queerly and Singing Across Generations examines the queer inheritances and intimate plotlines made possible by popular music. “In My Life” by The Beatles holds unique familial meaning for Mecija. As a soundtrack to her […]