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Information about the Field Experience Course (AP/COMN 4140 6.0)

No applications necessary starting the 19/20 school year. All students welcome, new and old. For more updated information please click here.

This course is specifically designed to help students entering into their fourth year of study to gain experience in the workplace. Students have the opportunity to work in a variety of organizations including not-for-profit, for-profit, charity and community organizations. The course meets in class approximately one third of the time (in September, December, January and March), and the rest of the time work in individual placements in the GTA (8 hours/week as supervised on site). The course combines course readings with group discussions and workplace application of communication all in a collaborative and supportive learning environment. This may include media design, production, distribution and evaluation, with no previous experience necessary!

Students who have taken the course emphasize how much they have learned about applying what they have learned from their communication courses at the workplace, and how much this experience has helped them develop critical skills and learn more about what they want to do after graduation.

Previous students of the course in 2014/15 (which used to be called COMN 4150: Experiential Research Methods) offer the following comments:

My internship with Craft Ontario as their Communications Assistant provided me with unparalleled experiences. Paired with the course work, I feel much more confident to pursue a job in the communications field (Danielle Sanders, 4th year Comn Major).

My experience in the Experiential Research Methods course for 2014-2015 gave me the opportunity to apply a lot of my academic knowledge and abilities in workplace settings. Although there were times when I would be learning on the go, the experience taught me what I wanted from my future career, and helped me gain recognition for my skills and knowledge. One of the major lessons that I learned was how intertwined many organizations in Toronto are, and often times, doors will open where you will least expect them too. (Anonymous, 4th year Double Major)

Avoid letting self-doubt keep you from applying to the course! Even if you are fearful of the unknown, many of your peers are also in the same boat, and Professor Mazepa will ensure that you are not alone every step of the way! Be open to new ideas and opportunities, but most of all, nothing is ever a waste of time, at the end of the day this experience will help you determine how you choose your next steps after graduation (Anonymous, 4th Year Double Major)

It is a fantastic course which balances theory and practical work in the field of communications, while also making connections. In a supportive environment, it empowers the student with the necessary tools and resources needed to thrive in both settings. It has been one of my most memorable experiences of my university life. I highly recommend COMN 4150 to everyone. Elisa Martelli (4th Year Comn Major)

Please note that you have to apply for this course, and all information is available on the application form on our web site main page at As of 12 June, there is still plenty of room for applicants; so don’t hesitate if you are interested!