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Girls Making Movies

On December 30th, grade 6 girls from two Toronto schools were thrilled to visit us here in Communication Studies and use our cutting edge media lab to make their own movies.

Coming to York was the culmination of SSHRC-funded research project Embodying the Tween: Living Girlhood in Global and Digital Spaces, directed by Prof. Natalie Coulter and run by graduate students Grace Lao and Amina Ally. The project ran for much of fall semester and the girls participated in a weekly Girls Club at the two schools. Each week over pizza, under the direction of Dr. Coulter and her team, the girls explored the issues and tensions of being a girl in today’s world. As part of this project the girls were given cameras to take home to take pictures and videos documenting their own lives. Using this footage, they each produced short 2-3 minute documentaries in our media lab where they were assisted by many of York’s Communication and Culture graduate students. The documentaries produced by these talent girls eloquently expressed the realities of their lives. We are so proud of them and their work.

Thanks to all of the graduate students that came out to help. Kisha MacPherson, Tamar Faber, Shaughna Boara, and Jessica Bay. And thanks for all of the technical expertise by Ryerson documentary film student Subash Sundaralingam.

A huge thanks to the girls who participated in this project and brought their excitement and energy to Girls Club.