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Roundtable on Surveillance Feb. 14

Feb. 14, 2017
11:30 – 2:30
York University
Senate Chamber
N940 Ross Building


Rob Heynen (Communication Studies, York University)
Robert Latham (Political Science, York University)
Emily van der Meulen (Criminology, Ryerson University)
Alok Mukherjee (Criminology, Ryerson University)
Jonathan Obar (Communication Studies, York University)
Evan Light (Communication Studies, Glendon, York University)
Bahar Nasirzadeh (Communication and Culture, York-Ryerson Universities)
Ozgun Topak (Social Science, York University)
Greg Elmer (Professional Communication, Ryerson University)
Chair: Ganaele Langlois (York University)

This roundtable addresses contemporary issues in surveillance studies from an interdisciplinary perspective. Participants will discuss current issues in contemporary forms of surveillance: New surveillance regimes in troubled democracies (i.e. USA, Turkey) and in Canada; the role of networks, algorithms and big data in surveillance; routine targeting of populations; legal challenges to surveillance policies; biopolitics and policing; gender and surveillance, among others.