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Communication Studies Research Digest – Summer Edition

This past summer has been busy and Communication Studies faculty travelled all over the world, from Beijing to Cartagena, from London and Paris to Lund and Chicago, among many others.

Prof. MacLennan, Fresco and Driver presented their research at the Canadian Communication Association Conference, where Prof. Obar also co-organized a Wikipedia edit-a-thon. Prof. Skinner and Craven presented respectively on Community TV Policy and Edwardian postcards as social networks and social capital at the International Association for Media and Communication Research. Prof. Langlois presented on textile as medium at the New Materialism Conference in Paris. Prof. Coulter was visiting Faculty at the Europe-China Media Dialogue: Media and Communication Summer School, School of Journalism and Communication at Beijing University in Beijing China. She also presented at the Marketing and Critique conference in London, UK, and with Prof. MacLennan on “Boxtop Citizenship: Children, Consumer Culture and Radio” at the Society for the History of Children and Youth. Prof. Driver presented at the International Deleuze Conference. Prof. Obar presented research on big data and privacy at Data Power and Social Media and Society.

Summer is typically the time when faculty develop new research projects and write books and papers, so expect a few publications and conference presentations in the coming months on privacy, subjectivity and new media, sports and immaterial labour, Canadian settler colonialism, radio in Canada and girlhood politics.