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Call for Papers: Future Communications Conference for New and Prospective Graduate Students

Deadline for proposals:  Monday, 9 November.

Graduating BA students and new Grad students are welcome to apply to present at the third-annual “Future Communications” conference, hosted by the Joint Ryerson-York Grad Program in Communication & Culture (“ComCult”) on Friday, December 11.

The event is intended especially to support the development of student researchers in early stages.

Please invite current and prospective grad students in related fields. Schedule details will follow soon.

Call for Papers – Future Communications

The York-Ryerson Joint Graduate Program in Communication & Culture welcomes proposals for paper presentations, poster presentations, roundtable discussions, workshops, and creative artwork.  Both ongoing and completed research is welcome.

The theme “Future Communications” can be interpreted broadly to include investigations of all aspects of culture, media, politics, policy, technology, and creative practice.

Friday, December 11, 2015, first at York, then at Ryerson campus.

Keynote Speaker:

Penelope Ironstone (Wilfrid Laurier University)

President of the Canadian Communication Association

“Microbial Politics at the End of the World:

The Future Communication of Some Very Small Things”

The Future Communications conference encourages submissions to participate from current students and those applying to join the Ryerson-York Joint Graduate Program in Communication & Culture.  Proposals should include a title and 200-word abstract.

Presentations will be 15 to 20 minutes in length.  If you are proposing a roundtable discussion, workshop or panel with an organized group, please have each person register separately, but use the same title for all participants.

Location: York University, morning & early afternoon; Ryerson University, late afternoon and evening.

Please send your abstract to

Deadline for proposals: Monday, November 9, 2015

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