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8 Bucket List Items Every York Student Should Check Off Before Graduating

8 Bucket List Items Every York Student Should Check Off Before Graduating

Graduate students throwing their academic cap

Cheer on the Lions at a Football Game 

Football games are a classic university experience. York has a beautiful stadium and a talented team. Even if you don’t know a false start from a touchdown, football games (or any sporting events, really), are the perfect opportunity to show off your York pride and support our home team. On the York Lions Schedule you can view all upcoming sports events. Go Lions! 

Get Attacked by a Goose.

This isn’t a universal experience, but geese are an integral aspect of the York experience. Before graduating, everyone should be sure to watch the baby geese in the pond in front of Vari Hall in the spring (but don’t get too close, as the mothers will fiercely protect their ducklings). 

Attend a Formal 

Did you know that school dances aren’t limited to high school? If you graduated high school during quarantine like me, your prom dress is probably sadly hanging in the closet with the tags still attached. However, many of the LA&PS colleges hold yearly formals and semi-formals where you can dress to the nines and dance the night away. Visit the head office or the social media account of your college’s student council for information about what’s coming up!  

Generate Change with the NSSE 

When you complete the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), you create real, tangible changes to the student services offered here on campus such as mental health and career support services. The 15-minute survey is available to first-year and fourth-year students. As a reward for your commitment to improving our community environment, you’ll be able to redeem a free latte at Starbucks or a $5 York Lanes gift card. Even better, you’ll be entered into a raffle for one of four $500 tuition waivers! Learn more on the NSSE website. 

Experience York’s Thriving Arts Scene 

Some of Canada’s top filmmakers, musicians, dancers, and actors are York University graduates. Could a future famous person be sitting next to you in class? Here on campus, you can see live theatre, music, and dance performed by up-and-coming artists. Both Vanier College Productions and the faculty of AMPD (Arts, Music, Performance, and Design) regularly host performances that showcase our student community’s excellence in the arts, so check out what’s happening and buy a ticket! 

Visit the Campus Observatory 

Did you know that York is home to the largest telescope of any university in Canada? Catch a glimpse of distant stars and worlds at the Allan I. Carswell Observatory, which can be found on the 3rd floor of the Petrie Science Building. The observatory offers free in-person tours every month, as well as virtual tours every Wednesday.  

Take a Unique Class 

While many people focus on university as solely a career building opportunity, it’s also a time to explore special and creative interests and broaden your understanding of the world around you. For this reason, I recommend taking at least a couple of classes that are outside of your area of study and your comfort zone before you graduate. Some of the most interesting courses running this summer include FA/MUSI 1530 6.00: Rock and Popular Music, AP/ASL 1000 6.00: American Sign Language, Level I: Introduction to Sign Language Studies, and AP/EN 2172 3.00: Apocalyptic Science Fiction. In one of these classes, you may even discover a career path that you had never previously considered.  

Apply to Graduate! 

To the tune of Pomp and Circumstance, you’ve shaken hands, thrown your graduation cap into the air, and hugged your family. You’re finally free, you think to yourself the next morning, lying in bed while it’s still dark. You’re startled out of your contemplation by a call from—you check the caller ID—the University Registrar’s Office? “You’re missing 3 humanities credits,” the voice on the phone says, “You need to come back to school…”  
Suddenly, you wake up in a cold sweat. You breathe a breath of relief, remembering how you double-checked your degree requirements when you applied to graduate. By visiting an academic advisor at least once per year and by applying to graduate early, you ensure that this nightmare stays in the realm of fantasy, not reality. The soonest upcoming application period is May 1st, 2023 – August 1st, 2023. Applying by August 1st will allow you to graduate in October 2023.