Welcome to Congress 2023. York University is hosting the largest academic gathering in Canada, in partnership with the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences from May 27 to June 2. The theme for this year’s conference is Reckonings & Re-Imaginings and will support equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization (EDID). The Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies is proud to be a part of this important event.

A message from the Dean
LA&PS Dean
J.J. McMurtry

On behalf of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, I want to welcome you to the 2023 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. This is a unique opportunity to bring together scholars from across a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences to share ideas, mobilize knowledge, and build new partnerships. LA&PS has rich research culture, and our faculty is home to ground-breaking research around the most relevant issues facing humanity today. It is wonderful to be able to share this work with you.
LA&PS Research Excellence
Associate Dean, Research & Graduate Studies
Ravi de Costa

When I think about the research taking place at the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, I am energized by all the possibilities to better understand this complex and captivating world, and our places and purposes within it. Researchers from across our departments and schools in the social sciences, humanities and professional fields made discoveries about advancing diversity in the business world, decision-making in emergency contexts, the history of feminist political economy, manipulative communication online and LBGT activism in Canada and beyond.

LA&PS Research: Next Generation Lecture Series
Learn more about the work happening at the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies. Join our research experts as they explore complex societal challenges facing communities here and abroad.

Professor Desirée de Jesus explores how Black Canadian girls develop their senses of cultural and national belonging.

Professor Yvonne Su discusses the experiences of Venezuelan LGBTQ+ asylum seekers in Brazil and Colombia.

Professor Cary Wu
considers how high inflation can be a critical determinant of health and health inequality.
Research Report
From cutting-edge discoveries to diverse and dynamic applications, LA&PS Research Report 21/22: Research in Action highlights the innovative, impactful and diverse research contributions from our Faculty.