In cases where extenuating circumstances arise after the course withdrawal deadline and your ability to complete course work or final exams is affected, you may petition for deferred standing for additional time. You may also petition to extend your deferred standing. Find out more about deferred Standing or deferred standing extension.
At a Glance
Students are expected to complete course work when due or scheduled. If unable to, then students are expected to drop the affected courses by the withdrawal deadline.
However, if an extenuating circumstance arises after the withdrawal deadline, affecting your ability to complete course work or a final exam due or scheduled after the withdrawal deadline, then you may petition for deferred standing additional time to complete the course work or exam.
Similarly, if you already had deferred standing, you may petition for an extension of deferred standing.
There is no provision for re-writing a final exam.
Deferred Standing / Extension of Deferred Standing Information Request Form (PDF)
There is a deadline for submitting a petition for deferred standing: fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of a missed final exam, or, as concerns term work, fourteen calendar days from the deadline to submit term work.
The deadline to submit a petition for an extension of deferred standing is just seven (7) calendar days after the missed deferred exam, or the deadline assigned for the completion of the deferred term work.
If you miss the submission deadline, then you will need to explain and document the delay.
Statement of Grounds
A Statement of Grounds - your personal letter - must provide a detailed, date-specific account of the extenuating circumstances which you believe justify more time to complete the exam or term work. The letter must clearly state the course work that you are asking to have deferred, and when that work had been due or scheduled.
Documentation - A Deferred Standing/Extension of Deferred Standing Information Request form is required (one for each course). Evidence to support your statement of grounds is essential. You will be required to provide original documentation to support the grounds of your petition. Students are not required to submit an Attending Physician’s Statement in support of requests for deferred standing or petitions. If you would like to submit an APS form to help support your petition, please include a completed Attending Physician Statement form (PDF) in your petitions submission.
Important Note
If you petition for deferred standing, or an extension of deferred standing, you are expected to continue to complete the outstanding course work, and to prepare to write the exam.
If your petition is granted, the assigned deadline will reflect this understanding. It would be inadvisable to assume that you would be successful with a petition for another extension on the grounds that you believe you were given inadequate notice.
At the same time, you are required to make deferred work your first priority. You will not be entitled to more time to complete deferred work on the grounds that you are busy with new course work. If necessary, you must reduce your current course load by the withdrawal deadline to ensure that you complete your deferred work by the assigned deadline.