Disaster & Emergency Management
You’ll develop an understanding of the Emergency Management Response Cycle, including hazard identification, risk analysis/evaluation/mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.
You’ll develop an understanding of the Emergency Management Response Cycle, including hazard identification, risk analysis/evaluation/mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.
Add an accounting flavour to your degree with this certificate program. Learn the basics of accounting and position yourself competitively in accounting adjacent careers.
Learn the fundamentals of marketing management, consumer behaviour and marketing research. You will discover how marketing helps organizations sell their goods and services.
Acquire fundamentals of knowledge in all business disciplines, along with specialized skills and expertise in one of eight distinct streams of specialization: accounting, finance, marketing, management, supply chain management, business research, technology management and human resource management.
The Chris Robinson Prize in Personal Finance will be awarded to the graduating BCom Finance student with the highest GPA in the courses which make up the required core curriculum in personal finance as certified by FP Canada: AP/ADMS3520,AP/ADMS3531, AP/ADMS3541, AP/ADMS4505,AP/ADMS 4506, AP/ADMS4507 and AP/ADMS4508.
The Gold Prize in Finance will be awarded to the BCom student graduating with the highest Major GPA in the BCom honour major in Finance. The prize will be awarded at the June convocation and will consider all undergraduate BCom graduates from the October, February and June convocation cycles.
The Silver Prize in Finance will be awarded to the BCom student graduating with the second highest Major GPA in the BCom honour major in finance. The prize will be awarded at the June convocation and will consider all undergraduate BCom graduates from the October, February and June convocation cycles.
This annual prize is awarded to an undergraduate student with the highest mark in an Introductory Marketing course offered by the School of Administrative Studies. The prize was established in honour of Mildred Theobalds, long-time coordinator of the York University License Program.