AP/HREQ 4081 6.00
Gender, Culture and Society in the Middle East
This course uses a critical human rights approach to examine Middle Eastern cultures and society. Students explore social change in the Middle East, with a specific focus on the politics of religion, gender, and identity, both within and beyond the region's borders and the socio-political factors affecting their human rights.
Historical as well as modern issues related to gender and sexuality, women rights, female role in diverse cultures and societies within the region, marriage, or divorce rights along with status of the LGBTQ2 community will be an important part of the course activity. Discrimination against women and LGBTQ2 community members, states policies and procedures on preventing violence against women, child marriage, Female Gentile Mutilation, polygyny and male guardianship over female or children are reviewed and discussed. Diverse forms of socialization and culturalization along with possible impacts of globalization and modernization on living conditions within diverse Middle Eastern communities will be scrutinized. The impact of Islam, its diverse schools of jurisprudence (Fiqh), Sharia Law, as well as the traditional forces and local or regional actors on citizen's life, especially on women, marginalized community members, ethno-religious minorities, and children would be of an important attention. The role of international players and western countries on Middle Eastern communities and cultures will be debated especially in connection with social justice, equity, and human rights.
Course Credit exclusion: AP/MIST 4081 6.00
Prerequisites: 78 credits or permission from the Undergraduate Program Director.