May 31, 2021 Issue
The LA&PS Research Office publishes a bi-weekly Research Digest to keep faculty members informed about important research issues and opportunities.
If you or your unit is planning an event, a notice or a funding opportunity that you would like included in our Digest Newsletter, please send these to
In this issue:
LA&PS Spotlights

Jennie Phillips and Aaida Mamuji: Module Practitioner Guides
Digital Contact Tracing (D-CT) apps that track the spread of COVID-19 have been integral to this stage of the pandemic. How reliable are those apps though? Jennie Phillips, Digital Global Health & Humanitarianism Lab (DGHH Lab), Aaida Mamuji, School of Administrative Studies and the DGHH Lab interdisciplinary research team collaborated on an international study that examines users experience, specifically fears and motivations associated with uptake (i.e. app downloads), of D-CT apps.
“It is hoped that our findings can help enhance the effectiveness of D-CT apps while also minimizing associated risk”, Dr. Phillips explained. A key component of this project was the interdisciplinary collaboration and partnerships as the team emphasized. Dr. Mamuji highlighted their workshop “brought together experts and practitioners from around the world, helping us extract practical lessons through our case studies”. The workshop helped gather interdisciplinary insights on high-level challenges and opportunities faced with digital contact tracing.
Along with the diverse knowledge mobilization outputs of this project is a free open access 9 module practitioners guide outlining country-specific case studies, factors that impact app use, and recommendations. Learn more about their project and its researchers in this YFile story with Dr. Phillips and Mamuji.
Internal Notices
New Service: Qualtrics for Researchers and faculty members
- Analyzing Data (June 2nd at 12:00 pm EST)
- Reporting in Qualtrics (June 7 at 12:00 pm EST)
LA&PS Student Digital Composition Prize
The new Student Digital Composition Prize will recognize undergraduate students for their digital creations through the new LA&PS Digital Composition Prize. Course directors can nominate a student assignment for this new contest, as well as the long-running LA&PS Writing Prize.
Notice: Electronic Submission of External Grants through Office of Research Services
Given the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, ORS is now accepting electronic submissions of research applications. If you have questions about this process please email Dr. Max Dagenais at A description of the external grants submission process and the two versions of the ORS checklist can be found here.

Internal Grants
Black Scholars Research Fund - Round 2
- Deadline: July 15, by 4:00 PM.
- Value and Duration: Applicants may request up to $5,000. The total annual budget for BSRF grants is $50,000.
The Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS) has established the LA&PS Black Scholars Research Fund (BSRF), max. $5,000, to support innovative research project ideas from qualified eligible applicants who self-identify as Black peoples of African Descent. Projects may be standalone or part of a broader research program. the faculty will launch a second round of a call for proposal from eligible applicants at the assistant or associate professor level.
Please refer to the LAPS BSRF Guidelines and Application Instructions for more information. Questions about this program may be directed to
Reminder: Catalyzing Interdisciplinary Research Clusters (June 7, 2021)
- Deadlines:
- Step 1 – Notice of Intents are due by 4:30 pm on June 7, 2021
- Step 2 – Full Proposals (by invitation only) are due by 4:30pm on July 30, 2021
The Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation (VPRI) has launched an inaugural call for a new Internal program, Catalyzing Interdisciplinary Research Clusters. Submissions to this new internal grant program require approval of the Associate Dean, Research & Graduate Studies, and the number of projects in eligible categories that can be funded are limited. Therefore, any Faculty Member who is interested in submitting an application should contact Associate Dean Ravi de Costa ( and David Cuff, Director, Strategic Research & Partnerships ( as soon as possible to discuss the proposed project prior to completing an NOI.
For detailed information about this internal opportunity and application process, please consult the attached documents:
- Catalyzing Interdisciplinary Research Clusters - Memo
- Catalyzing Interdisciplinary Research Clusters - NOI Form
- Catalyzing Interdisciplinary Research Clusters - Budget Template
Upcoming Internal Funding Opportunities
LA&PS faculty members are reminded that a comprehensive list of internal research funding opportunities is available on our new website (see below). This list includes short descriptions of several individual programs operated by the Dean's Office as well as VPRI. Internal funding opportunities can be accessed here.

External Notices
New Tri-council Pilot Committee in Support of Interdisciplinary Research
The three research funding agencies have launched the Tri-agency Interdisciplinary Peer Review Committee as a one-year pilot program. It will provide an option for researchers working in interdisciplinary research to direct their applications to a committee composed of experts from across the social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, engineering, and health sciences. Individuals applying for SSHRC Insight Grants, CIHR Project Grants, and NSERC Discovery Horizons Grants will be eligible for their applications to be reviewed by this new interdisciplinary peer review committee.
The launch of the Tri-agency Interdisciplinary Peer Review Committee is part of the tri-agency response to recommendations made in the Final Report of the Fundamental Science Review, whose goal is to ensure the agencies have robust mechanisms to review and support interdisciplinary research.
Update on the Aid to Scholarly Journals Funding Opportunity
- Deadline: September 10, 2021.
As noted in the May 3 Digest Newsletter, the eligibility criteria, including open access eligibility criteria, are the same. Please note, however, that the transition period allowed during the last competition has concluded and will no longer be offered. The value of the grant, the duration of the grant and the grant selection process have not changed. In addition, in light of the impacts of COVID-19 on journals, the ASJ 2021 competition will relax the regular publication minimums and requirements for submission of statistics data for journals impacted by COVID-19. Journals will be able to describe the impacts of COVID-19 within their application. We have received further clarification from SSHRC regarding new features to this program.
The Aid to Scholarly Journals website will be updated by SSHRC on June 25, 2021.
Please contact Max Dagenais, Research Facilitator, at if you are planning to apply for this opportunity. In addition, questions about this program can be sent directly to the agency at this email:
CIHR Newsletter - May 2021
The latest CIHR Newsletter is now available.

External Grants and Fellowships
Community Foundations of Canada - Healthy Communities Initiative Round 2
- Value: The minimum funding amount for projects is $5,000 and the maximum funding amount is $250,000 for each project.
- Duration: Project end date is June 30, 2022
- Deadlines: Only one application is allowed from York University. The attached application form and budget template must be completed in full and submitted to by 9:00 am (EST) on Friday, June 4th, 2021.
Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) is accepting applications for Round 2 of its Healthy Communities Initiative to identify and fund local projects and solutions to the challenges presented by COVID-19. The objective is to support communities as they create and adapt public spaces, and programming and services for public spaces to respond to ongoing needs arising from COVID-19. Check the CFC Applicant Guide for more details and for more examples of eligible projects under each theme.
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition 2021
- Value: $70,000 per year (taxable)
- Duration: 2 years (non-renewable)
- Application submission deadline: 22 September 2021 (20:00 EDT)
The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to the country's economic, social, and research-based growth. York's Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Process Memo 2021-2022 (PDF) outlines the internal process and for any further questions please contact Kim McIntyre, Post-Doctoral Services Coordinator at
SSHRC Connection Grants - Research Data Management Capacity Building Initiative (Final Call)
- Value
- $7K - $25K for Events
- $7K - $50K for Outreach activities
- Duration: 1 year
- Deadlines: Tuesday, August 3, 2021
The Research Data Management Capacity Building Initiative offers the research community Connections Grants to support the development, adoption and dissemination of research data management standards, practices, tools and skills appropriate to their field. SSHRC has communicated that the August competition will be the final one for the special Connection Grant call. In addition to the special call, Connection Grants on any eligible project may also be submitted to the program. If you have questions about this opportunity please contact Max Dagenais, Research Facilitator at
Trans-Atlantic Platform Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World (RRR) Call for Proposals
- Value:
- Canadian applicants can request up to a maximum of $200,000 per proposal
- Quebec applicants eligible to apply for SSHRC funding may also apply for a supplement from the FRQSC: $50,000$ to $75,000$ (+ Indirect cost of research depending on funds available)
- Duration: 24 - 36 months
- Deadlines:
- Compulsory Intention to Submit due at agency June 14, 2021, no later than midnight BRT
- Full application due at agency (by invitation only): Monday, July 12, 2021, no later than midnight Brasilia Time (BRT) | 11:00 pm (EST)
The Trans-Atlantic Platform – Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World Call for Proposals require a transnational research partnership with a minimum of three eligible research partners (3 countries) addressing one or more of the following five challenges:
- reducing inequalities and vulnerabilities
- building a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable society
- fostering democratic governance and political participation
- advancing responsible and inclusive digital innovation
- ensuring effective and accurate communication and media
Please review the TAP-RRR Call for proposals Detailed information (docx)and the TAP-RRR webinar information for further details. If you have questions about this opportunity please contact Max Dagenais, Research Facilitator at
Imagining Canada’s Future Ideas Lab: Canada and the Circular Economy
- Value: Up to $250,000
- Deadline: July 16, 2021 (8 p.m. eastern)
The Imagining Canada’s Future (ICF) Ideas Lab is an exciting, new two-year pilot program designed to encourage innovative research partnerships and projects. By breaking down methodological barriers and empowering participants to explore new approaches to research, the ICF Ideas Lab will aid knowledge sharing and provide foundations for future interdisciplinary projects. SSHRC is looking for innovative scholars from all disciplines to be part of this pilot program. To apply to participate in the workshop, submit a letter of interest and CV before July 16, 2021. If you have questions about this opportunity please contact Max Dagenais, Research Facilitator at
NSERC Discovery Horizons Grants
- Deadline: LOI due at agency on Tuesday, June 15, 2021.
- Value $50K - $100K per year
- Duration Up to 5 years
NSERC recently announced a new Discovery Horizons Grants funding opportunity to support interdisciplinary investigator-initiated research to advance knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering (NSE). The main objective is to answer natural sciences and engineering (NSE) research questions that are best addressed through interdisciplinary approaches. If you have questions about this opportunity please contact Emina Veletanlic, Grant Development Specialist at
Mitacs Elevate Program
- Value:
- $55,000 minimum annual stipend/salary
- An exclusive professional development curriculum valued at $7,500 per year
- Duration: A minimum one-year research project (normally two years in duration)
Deadline: by 5:00 pm PT on Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Mitacs Elevate is a postdoctoral fellowship with an exclusive professional development curriculum component. Mitacs Elevate is now accepting proposal submissions for two years of postdoctoral funding in addition to extensive customized professional development training. If you are interested in applying to this competition, please contact Rachel Sung, Mitacs Business Development Specialist at Eligible Post-Doc applicants should contact Kim McIntyre, Post-doctoral Services Coordinator, at
NSERC Alliance-Mitacs Accelerate Grants
- Value: Standard Alliance Option 1 values apply: min $20K/year – max $1M/year
- Duration: Up to 5 years
- Deadline: rolling
NSERC in partnership with Mitacs are pleased to announce a new joint initiative: NSERC Alliance-Mitacs Accelerate Grants that will support the R&D efforts of Canadian university researchers and their partners while supporting highly qualified personnel including students and/or postdoctoral fellows. The new opportunity is being offered through NSERC’s Alliance grants and Mitac’s Accelerate programs. If you have questions about this opportunity please contact Emina Veletanlic, Grant Development Specialist at
SSHRC Joint Initiative for Digital Citizen Research – Connection Grants
- Value:
- Events - $7,000 to $25,000
- Outreach Activities - $7,000 to $50,000; higher amounts may be considered if well justified - Duration:1 year
- Agency Deadline: August 1, November 1, May 1, 2021, at 12:00 PM (EST)
SSHRC announced the relaunching of the Connection Grants arm of the Initiative for Digital Citizen Research (IDCR), a joint initiative with the Department of Canadian Heritage (PCH). The IDCR aims to develop a better understanding of the impacts of online disinformation in Canada in order to better inform programs and policies, build Canada’s capacity to conduct research on – and related to – countering online disinformation and other related online harms, and help foster a community of researchers engaged with digital citizenship and online disinformation in Canada. It also aims to provide assistance to selected events and outreach activities for short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives.
Learn more about the description and submission instructions here. If you are interested in applying for this opportunity, please contact Max Dagenais, Research Facilitator, at
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants (PEG)
- Value: $7,000 to $25,000
- Duration: 1 year
- Agency Deadline: June 15, September 15, December 15, 2021 and March 15, 2022, at 12:00 PM (EST)
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants (PEG) provide short-term and timely support for partnered research activities that will inform decision-making at a single partner organization from the public, private or not-for-profit sector. The small-scale, stakeholder-driven partnerships supported through Partnership Engage Grants are meant to respond to immediate needs and time constraints facing organizations in non-academic sectors. To access an application form and full instructions, log into your SSHRC account. If you are interested in applying for this opportunity, please contact Max Dagenais, Research Facilitator, at
NSERC - Alliance Grants: Option 2
- Value: over $30,000 to $100,000 per year
- Duration: 1 to 5 years
- Deadline: No deadline
NSERC has released details about a new Alliance Option 2 two-pager that provides an overview of what the NSERC - Alliance Grants option 2 funding is all about. The projects should aim to address and are driven by an unmet societal need, meaning that the results matter not just to the partner organizations but also to the public. Refer to the NSERC resources page to access the best practices webinar, a summary of NSERC requirements and more. The results should be broadly shared in various formats, allowing even non-specialists outside the project to understand and use the results. Faculty members interested in applying should contact Emina Veletanlic, Grant Development Specialist, at
Learn more about NSERC - Alliance Grant option 2 (EN)
Learn more about NSERC - Alliance Grant option 2 (FR)