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Research Digest, September 2019 issue

Research Digest, September 2019 issue

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September 18, 2019 Issue

The LA&PS Research Office publishes a bi-weekly Research Digest to keep faculty members informed about important research issues and opportunities.

If you or your unit is planning an event, a notice or a funding opportunity that you would like included in our Digest Newsletter, please send these to

In this issue:

Internal Notices

SSHRC Partnership Grant – Internal Process Launched

The Strategic & Institutional Research Initiatives (SIRI) unit in the Office of Research Services has sent out its annual announcement about internal procedures that faculty members need to follow in order to pursue the first-round, Letter of Intent stage of a SSHRC Partnership Grant. For full details and the series of deadlines, please visit here. (You may be prompted for your Passport York login before you can view the page.) Contact person for the program is SIRI specialist Diana Frasca (

Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies: Open House

September 25, 2019
2-3 pm
7th Floor, Kaneff

Light refreshments will be served.

YCAR Welcome Back 2019 Meet and Greet

September 25, 2019
3-4 pm
Common Area, 8th Floor, Kaneff

York Centre for Asian Research (YCAR) warmly invites all York students and faculty interested in Asia/Asian diaspora to meet with members of our research community and learn more about what is happening at YCAR in the year ahead.

Feminist Explorations of Urban Futures International Conference

September 26-28, 2019

The research project, Urbanization, gender, and the global south: A transformative knowledge network (GenUrb) is pleased to organize and host the Feminist Explorations of Urban Futures International Conference.

Visit the conference website for more details.

Identité, communauté et diversité : colloque en l’honneur de Roberto Perin / Identity, Community and Diversity: A Conference in Honour of Roberto Perin

Sept. 27, 2019
Archives of Ontario & York University
9 am – 9:30 pm

Please see the program.

DARE Celebration

October 2, 2019
12:00 pm
The Collaboratory, Scott Library

Meet, mingle and learn with student researchers and faculty members who were awarded the 2019-2020 Dean's Award for Research Excellence (DARE). This event will feature research posters created by the participating students and faculty. Learn more about this year's award winners here.

MobilizeYU: Registration Open

The Knowledge Mobilization Unit is pleased to announce a new 8-week course focused on knowledge mobilization called MobilizeYU. The course will take place once a week from October 15-December 3 from 5:30-8:30 on campus and online via Zoom. It is free for all York faculty, graduate students and staff. Application deadline is 5 pm on Monday, October 7, 2019. More details.

Critical Pedagogies Symposium on Teaching and Learning Qualitative Health Research

October 18, 2019
Dahdaleh Building

The goals of the symposium are to: inspire pedagogical innovation, dialogue and imagination; share challenges, exchange resources and brainstorm solutions; celebrate our accomplishments and push the boundaries of possibility; (re)centre the ‘critical’ in our teaching practices; and cultivate a network of current and future qualitative health research educators.

Tickets are $30.00 for students and $80.00 for all other registrants. Registration.

The Canadian Writers in Person 20th Anniversary Celebration

October 23, 2019

7:00PM – Keynote address by Dionne Brand
8:30PM – Reception

Join us to celebrate with fellow members of the CanLit community. For two decades, the Canadian Writers in Person course and reading series has showcased a unique selection of over 200 emerging and established Canadian writers, whose writing explores a range of topics and geographical and cultural landscapes as vast and dazzling as our country.

For more information, contact

Two Hundred Years of All Things Victorian

October 25, 2019
10 am - 3 pm
Stong Master’s Dining Room

Victorian Studies at York celebrates its 12th annual symposium. View the conference program here. If you plan to attend, please RSVP Lesley Higgins:

Girls' Studies York Research Network (GSYRN)

The GSYRN is a network intended to bring together academic researchers, practitioners, and graduate and undergraduate students working in girls' studies in all disciplines and interdisciplinary fields. Our aim is to contribute to the development of the field of Girls' Studies, at York, in Canada, and internationally, through sharing information and resources and encouraging discussion, especially between academics and community members outside the university.

The GSRN’s objective is to contribute to the growing area of girls’ scholarship, curricular development and activism. We work within while simultaneously critiquing notions of girls and girlhood. We seek to establish a trio of bridges between girls themselves, academe and community-based girl serving professionals and organizations.

Our network embraces interdisciplinarity and adopts a holistic approach. It has seven central research areas: 1) Girlhood Studies: with an emphasis on girl-driven activisms; 2)  Education: curriculum development, awareness-raising; 3) Literature: girls and girlhood in literature, and girls as readers, authors, and performers; 4) Law: the implementation of international human rights treaties, notably the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) at the domestic level, including legislation and policies  5) Media, Arts, Communication and Culture: girls’ participation, production and representation in digital media, dance, theatre, television, film, music, advertisement 6) Science: curriculum development and girls’ preparation for and involvement in STEM: science, technology, engineering, math; 7) Health: sports and physical education, body image, sexuality, environmental health, quality of life, gender role prescriptions on mental health, violence; 8) Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies: critically examining and intersectionally analyzing gender-based discrimination experienced by girls, exploring how girls are defined structurally.

For more information about GSRN, please contact: Dr. Deanne Williams at

Revised ORS Checklist

The Office of Research Services has revised its "ORS Checklist," the tracking document that accompanies all external funding applications processed through that office. The blank of the ORS Checklist can be found here. (You'll be prompted for your Passport York login before seeing the form.)

York’s Social Media Guidelines

Given the widespread use of social media and its increasing importance as an influential communication channel, we want to be sure all community members are familiar with York's social media guidelines and resources.

If you self-identify on your social media accounts as a York University community member (via your profile bio, profile employment status, etc.) you might be understood to be representing the University and this should be considered when creating posts.

We encourage all employees to become familiar with our guidelines which can be found on York’s social media website. This website  contains useful  resources and information that will help guide  social media efforts. It also includes a list of all the University’s social media accounts, best practices, a copyright free image database and the University’s policies, terms and codes of conduct.

To learn more, or to reacquaint yourself with York’s social media guidelines, visit some of the quick links below:

Social Media Guidelines
Image Database

Internal Notices

Internal Grants

Contract Faculty Research Grants Fund (CUPE)

Deadline: October 1, 2019

Value: Up to $8,000 for research grants

This fund is intended to encourage individual research and study by defraying research costs. Current application form available from this page.

Contract Faculty Conference Travel Fund (CUPE)

Deadline: October 1, 2019

Value: Up to $2,000

To support contract faculty members who are giving papers; have been asked to give commentaries or to chair sessions; or are attending conferences. Eligible expenses include travel, registration, accommodation and subsistence. Current application form available from this page.

Innovation York and NRC-IRAP’s Artificial Intelligence Industry Partnership Fund

Deadline: October 4, 2019 at 4 pm

Value: Up to $12,000 per selected research project (no funding to industry partners; no funding required of industry partners).

Duration: 2-4 months

Innovation York and the National Research Council of Canada’s Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) are offering a fourth round of the Artificial Intelligence Industry Partnership Fund program to support artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) collaborative research projects for industry and York University researchers.

For those requiring assistance in finding a partner organization, please contact Rachel Sung, industry engagement co-ordinator, at, as soon as possible.

SSHRC Explore Grant Program

Deadline: October 31, 2019

Value: Up to $7,000

To provide support to full-time faculty, professional librarians and current Postdoctoral Fellows for stand-alone, small-scale projects and for projects that will lead to the development of larger SSHRC applications or other external funding. Application form. (Note: you’ll be prompted for your Passport York login before you see the form.)

SSHRC Exchange - KMb Grant Program (ORS)

Deadline: October 31, 2019

Value: Up to $7,000

To provide support to full-time faculty, professional librarians, and current Postdoctoral Fellows for small-scale knowledge mobilization activities such as stakeholder consultations, policy briefs, publication subventions, workshops, etc. Application form.  (Note: you’ll be prompted for your Passport York login before you see the form.)

Sustainability Innovation Fund (SIF)

Deadline: October 31, 2019 at 4 pm

We are pleased to announce a new Sustainability Innovation Fund (SIF) to support projects on the York University campuses that advance the Sustainability Strategy and build a culture of sustainability while tackling real-world challenges through innovative solutions. This fund will create opportunities for the York University community to actively engage in sustainability initiatives and utilize the campus as a living lab, empowering individuals to be agents of change and take meaningful steps to reduce our impact on the planet. For the inaugural academic year 2019-2020, the Sustainability Innovation Fund has $50,000 sponsored by the Office of the President. A selection committee will evaluate the applications through a Proposal Assessment Rubric in order to allocate funding to projects.

For application details, criteria/eligibility, application form and proposal assessment rubric, please visit the website.

LA&PS Global and Community Engagement Collaborative Projects Fund

Deadline (Fall):  November 1, 2019

This fund supports collaborative projects and initiatives that build inclusiveness and diverse forms of community engagement. As our University Academic Plan recognizes, a “spirit of inclusion and empowerment” is a priority for enhancing community engagement within and beyond the university. Commitments to social justice, equity, and inclusion should form the core principles of successful Global & Community Engagement collaborative projects. We welcome applications for up to $5000 per project from LA&PS faculty members (YUFA and CUPE) and registered York student groups. Please apply here.

LA&PS Global and Community Engagement Events and Outreach Fund

Deadline: apply any time

LA&PS faculty members (YUFA and CUPE) are welcome to apply to the fund in support of community engagement events or outreach activities of a local, national, or international nature, and which are to be held on or off campus. Preference will be given to events held at the York campus or in community spaces where the applicant has developed a partnership. Please apply here. Applications for up to $1500 per year are welcome any time.

LA&PS Experiential Education Development Fund

Deadline (Fall): November 1, 2019

This fund has been established to provide seed funding to encourage new or expanded experiential education opportunities for LA&PS students, particularly community-focused and work-focused EE in programs which currently do not offer these opportunities. All LA&PS faculty members (YUFA and CUPE Course Directors) are welcome to apply here.

LA&PS Minor Research Grant

Deadline (Fall): November 15, 2019

Value: Up to $5,000

The adjudicated vehicle through which LA&PS dispenses the YUFA Faculty/Library Research Grant Funding and the YUFA Junior Faculty/Librarian Fund. Funding for research projects, eligible expenses include personnel, research travel, subsistence costs.

Mariano A. Elia Research Fund

Deadline: November 1, 2019

To support small-scale research projects where a significant contribution to Italian-Canadian studies will be made. Eligible expenses include research costs and travel to conferences. Application form. (Note: you’ll be prompted for your Passport York login before you see the form.)

LA&PS Travel Grant for Dissemination

Deadline: November 1, 2019

Value: Up to $1,000

LA&PS offers this grant to offset costs associated with the public dissemination of research, scholarship, or creativity. Eligibility: Full-time YUFA faculty members and senior scholars in LA&PS. In the case of CLAs and SRCs, travel must also occur within the term of the appointment. Applications must be submitted in advance of the presentation. Locate the application under section #2 at this link.

SSHRC Exchange - Conference Grant Program

Deadline: November 1, 2019

Value: Offset of transportation costs.

To provide assistance for attendance at national and international scholarly conferences for which the applicant is giving a paper, making a poster presentation, or featured at a solo or 2-person opening of an exhibition, a principal screening, premier performance of dance, theatre or musical production. Application form. (Note: you’ll be prompted for your Passport York login before you see the form.)

Specific Research Grants

Deadline: November 1, 2019

The program permits, under certain conditions, a researcher to receive a research grant in lieu of salary through a mechanism which includes peer review. Application form and guidelines. (Note: you’ll be prompted for your Passport York login before you see the form.)

YUFA Teaching-Learning Development Grants

Deadline: November 15, 2019

Awards from the Teaching-Learning Development Fund will support projects which have the potential to make significant curricular or methodological contributions to teaching and learning at York, or which enable faculty to enhance their own teaching skills. Proposals are invited for projects relating to either undergraduate or graduate teaching. Guidelines and application.

YUFA Release-Time Teaching Fellowship

Deadline: November 15, 2019

These fellowships are intended to provide recipients with the opportunity to develop innovative teaching and learning projects or to enhance their own teaching skills (as opposed to disciplinary competence), when such development or enhancement could not take place in the context of a full teaching load. Guidelines and application.

YUFA Educational Leaves

Deadline: November 15, 2019

The purpose of the Educational Leaves programme is to provide opportunities for tenured or tenure stream faculty and continuing appointment employees to take Educational Leaves for approved plans of study. (N.B. CLAs are not eligible). Guidelines and application.

For a general listing of internal research funding opportunities, visit here.

Internal Grants

External Notices

NSERC Discovery Grant:  Updates of some Application-related Materials

NSERC has announced that the Peer Review Manual and the Discovery Grant Merit Indicators Grid has recently been updated.  New versions are now available on NSERC’s website. In the event of any questions, contact NSERC via

SSHRC Webinar: Partnership Grants, Stage 1 (Letter of Intent)

SSHRC will be holding webinars  on the upcoming Partnership Grants funding opportunity.

The webinars will be held via Webex at the following times:

English webinar
October 28, 2019
12 – 1:30 pm ET

French webinar
October 28, 2019
2-3:30 pm ET

Note: The Strategic and Institutional Research Initiatives (SIRI) unit at York will also host the English portion of the SSHRC-hosted PG Letter of Intent webinar on Wednesday, October 28, 2019 at 12 PM in room 510 Kaneff Tower.

SSHRC’s Research Data Management Capacity Building Initiative

SSHRC is pleased to announce the renewal of the Research Data Management Capacity Building Initiative. This initiative aims to continue helping the Canadian social sciences and humanities research community better understand data management, and incorporate data management considerations into research practices.

The initiative will fund at least 10 meritorious Connection Grants proposals per competition for the November 2019, February, May and August 2020 cycles, to support the research community’s development, adoption and dissemination of research data management standards, practices, tools and skills appropriate to their field. Applications to this initiative will be subject to the same evaluation criteria common to all other Connection Grants. However, applicants must show how their project addresses the initiative’s specific goals.

Healthy Cities Research Training Platform: Webinar

CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC are jointly funding a national Healthy Cities Research Training Program (further details below in External Grants) to develop an interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral training initiative that will generate cutting-edge knowledge and build capacity for implementation science and solutions-based research. Webinars will be offered the week of September 23.

English webinar: Monday, September 23, 2019, from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. EDT

French webinar: Friday, September 26, 2019, from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. EDT

Applicants must register to participate.

SSHRC–Canadian Heritage Joint Initiative for Digital Citizen Research

SSHRC and the Department of Canadian Heritage (PCH) recently announced an Initiative for Digital Citizen Research (IDCR) Special Call to be issued as part of the SSHRC Insight Grants (fall 2019 competition) and  SSHRC Connection Grants funding opportunities of November 1, 2019 and February 1, 2020. Visit this webpage on the SSHRC website for more details.

SOSCIP Collaborative Projects

SOSCIP (Smart Computing for Innovation) is entering a renewed mandate that will develop a leading industry-driven AI and data science innovation platform over the next three years. It is now accepting applications for big data, data science, AI or advanced computing projects! Learn more about SOSCIP collaborative projects here or download the application template. For more information, please contact Andrew Jones (Manager, Operations and Partnerships) at

External Notices

External Grants and Fellowships

NOTE: If you are interested in any of the external opportunities below, please contact the research officer associated with your academic unit. (Some postings may also include a directive to contact a member of the Strategic & Institutional Research Initiatives [SIRI] unit in the central Office of Research Services.)

CIHR Funding Opportunities

The Office of Research Services (ORS) recently updated the spreadsheet of funding opportunities available through CIHR. Due to the large volume of RFAs, ORS has created a simplified Excel spreadsheet that will make it easier for researchers to locate the funding call that is most appropriate to their research area.

View the spreadsheet. You will be required to enter your Passport York user ID and password for YU Link to gain access to the spreadsheet. If the link does not take you directly to Passport York, please copy and paste the link into your web browser.

SSHRC Connection Grants

• Submission to ORS for full administrative review: October 17, 2019
• Submission to agency: November 1, 2019

Value: $7000 to $25,000 for events, and up to $50,000 for other outreach activities; higher amounts for outreach activities may be considered if well justified

Duration: 1 year

These Grants support workshops, colloquiums, conferences, forums, summer institutes, or other events or outreach activities that facilitate knowledge exchange.

To access an application form and full instructions, log into your SSHRC account.  In most cases, the appropriate application to select is “Connection – Individual.”

SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant

• Submission to ORS for full administrative review: December 2, 2019
• Submission to Agency: December 16, 2019

Value:  $7,000 – 25,000

Duration: 1 year

This program provides short-term and timely support for partnered research activities that will inform decision-making at a single partner organization from the public, private or not-for-profit sector. The Partnership Engage Grants are meant to respond to immediate needs and time constraints facing organizations in non-academic sectors. In addressing an organization-specific need, challenge and/or opportunity, these partnerships let non-academic organizations and postsecondary researchers access each other’s unique knowledge, expertise and capabilities on topics of mutual interest.

To access an application form and full instructions, log into your SSHRC account.

NSERC Research Alliance Grants: Option 1

• Submission to ORS for full administrative review: 10 business days before submission to the agency
• Submission to agency: Rolling deadline

Value: Requesting $150,000 or more annually from NSERC

Duration: 1 – 5 years

NSERC’s Alliance Grants will be launched in a phased approach. On May 21st, Option 1 will be open for applications requesting $150,000 or more annually from NSERC.

Alliance grants support projects of varying scale and complexity, from short-term smaller projects involving one researcher to long-term projects involving researchers across several universities, and from one-on-one collaborations with one partner organization directly involved in the research to projects involving many partner organizations across multiple sectors.

Law Commission of Ontario

Agency deadline: September 27, 2019

The Law Commission of Ontario (LCO) is seeking public proposals for new law reform projects. By definition, LCO reports break new ground in law reform.  This is a unique opportunity for individuals and organizations to work with Ontario’s leading law reform agency to develop independent, principled and authoritative advice on important legal issues.

Our current work includes projects addressing class actions, digital rights, defamation in the age of the Internet, and legal issues in the last stages of life. Any person or organization residing in Ontario can submit a proposal, including legal professionals, legal organizations, NGOs, governments, academics or members of the public.

More information about the LCO’s Call for Proposals, including the process and selection criteria, is available on our project proposal webpage. Questions or comments can be emailed to

France-Canada Research Foundation: New Scientific Collaboration Support Program


• ORS Deadline for administrative review: November 1, 2019
• Electronic submission to agency AND to ORS: November 15, 2019 by 23:59 Pacific Time

Value: $8,000 - $15,000 CDN per project for travel and living expenses. (These funds are primarily intended to support the mobility of researchers and their students.  No more than 10% of the total budget can be allocated to equipment or the like.)

Duration: 2 years

This program provides funds for new projects jointly developed by French and Canadian teams that have never worked together before.

All York applicants are now required to sumit their FINAL application electronically to Embassy of France’s Scientific Office at AND to ORS at by November 15, 2019 (23:59, Pacific Time)

Only five proposals will be accepted by the agency from each university. If more than five proposals are submitted on the November 15th deadline, ORS will coordinate an internal peer review process to select the five applications to go forward to the agency.  Applications cannot be revised after they are submitted to the France-Canada Research Fund on November 15, 2019.   As a result, the peer review committee will not provide any substantive feedback since it is not possible to incorporate the feedback in the application.  Therefore, applicants are encouraged to work with their Faculty Research Officers on their applications as well as to submit to Mala Thakoor ( by 10:00am on Friday, November 1st to receive an administrative review.

All applicants will be notified of the status of their application by December 13th.

Healthy Cities Research Training Program

• York Internal Notice of Intent: Early November 2019 (specific date TBA)
• Agency Letter of Intent: December 10, 2019
• Agency Full Application (by invitation only): August 27, 2020

• Up to $25K in development funds if invited to full-application stage
• $4.95M over 6 years

Duration: 6 years

CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC are jointly funding a national Healthy Cities Research Training Platform (HCRTP) to develop an interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral training initiative that will generate cutting-edge knowledge and build capacity for implementation science and solutions-based research. This funding opportunity will support a team in designing and delivering a national research training initiative focused on how to create, implement, and scale innovative, solution-based interventions in a variety of urban contexts focused on promoting healthy, resilient, sustainable and equitable cities. Accomplishing this goal will require experts from diverse disciplines including public health, epidemiology, economics, sociology, law, ethics, engineering, environmental science and urban planning, which is why partnership across the three research funding agencies is essential.

Fuller details are to be found on the central VPRI-ORS website, including additional deadlines. (Expect to be prompted for your Passport York login.) Please contact Diana Frasca ( in the SIRI unit of ORS if you are interested.

Fulbright Canada

• Submission to ORS for full administrative review: November 1, 2019
• Submission to agency: November 15, 2019

The Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program operates on the principle of reciprocal exchange and provides the opportunity for outstanding Canadian scholars to lecture and/or conduct research in the United States. Award recipients include prominent and promising scholars, as well as experienced professionals.

Traditional Awards are field open and can be taken up at any university, think tank, or government agency in the United States. (US $12,500 for one semester [4 months].)

Research Chairs are targeted opportunities at select universities/institutions designed to host exceptional scholars and experienced professionals who conduct research in a specific area. (From US $25,000 to US $50,000 for four to nine months.)

Rare Book School’s Andrew W. Mellon Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography

Agency Deadline: November 1, 2019

Continuing the work of the Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in Critical Bibliography (2012–17), this scholarly society works to advance the study of texts, images, and artifacts as material objects through capacious, interdisciplinary scholarship—and to enrich humanistic inquiry and education by identifying, mentoring, and training promising early-career scholars. Junior Fellows will be encouraged and supported in integrating the methods of critical bibliography into their teaching and research, fostering collegial conversations about historical and emerging media across disciplines and institutions, and sharing their knowledge with broader publics.

Inquiries about the Junior Fellows Program can be directed to Sonia Hazard, SoFCB Selection Committee Chair, at, or Donna Sy, SoFCB Administrative Director, at

2020 Amy P. Goldman Fellowship in Pre-Raphaelite Studies

Agency Deadline: November 1, 2019

Value: $3000

Duration: 1 month

The University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press and the Delaware Art Museum are pleased to offer a joint Fellowship in Pre-Raphaelite studies, funded by the Amy P. Goldman Foundation. This one-month Fellowship is intended for scholars conducting significant research in the lives and works of the Pre-Raphaelites and their friends, associates, and followers.  Research of a wider scope, which considers the Pre-Raphaelite movement and related topics in relation to Victorian art and literature, and cultural or social history, will also be considered. Projects which provide new information or interpretation—dealing with unrecognized figures, women writers and artists, print culture, iconography, illustration, catalogues of artists’ works, or studies of specific objects—are particularly encouraged, as are those which take into account transatlantic relations between Britain and the United States. Applicants whose research specifically utilizes holdings of the University of Delaware’s Morris Library, including Special Collections and the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection, the Delaware Art Museum, and the Helen Farr Sloan Library and Archives, are preferred.

Harry Ransom Center Research Fellowships

Agency Deadline: November 11, 2019, 5 p.m. CST

Value: $3,500 per month

Duration: 1-3 months

The Ransom Center will award 10 dissertation fellowships and up to 50 postdoctoral fellowships for projects that require substantial on-site use of its collections. The collections support research in all areas of the humanities, including literature, photography, film, art, the performing arts, music, and cultural history.

A.C. Elias Irish-American Research Travel Fellowship

Agency deadline: November 15, 2019

Value: $2,500

The A.C. Elias Irish-American Research Travel Fellowship, with $US 2,500 in annual funding, supports ‘documentary scholarship on Ireland in the period between the Treaty of Limerick (1691) and the Act of Union (1800)’. It enables North American-based scholars to pursue research in Ireland and Irish-based scholars to travel to North America for research.

Projects conducting original research on any aspect of eighteenth-century Ireland qualify for consideration, but recipients must be members of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) with permanent residence in the United States or Canada or be members of its Irish sister organization, the Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society (ECIS), with residence in Ireland.

Mitacs:  Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Submission to ORS: November 13, 2019
Submission to agency: November 27, 2019 by 5 pm PT

10 weeks (from June 9 to August 19, 2020)

Mitacs is now accepting applications for the Mitacs-Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. This program provides the opportunity for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in Canada to pursue collaborative research in Japan, allowing them to advance their own research while promoting scientific progress in both Japan and Canada. Projects will be 10 weeks in duration in summer 2020.

LA&PS-based students and postdoctoral fellowships interested in this program should have their faculty supervisor contact the LA&PS research officer associated with their academic unit to clarify the internal York paperwork.

2020 Philip Jones Fellowship

Agency deadline: December 1, 2019

Value:  $2000

The Ephemera Society of America invites applications for the Philip Jones Fellowship for the Study of Ephemera. This competition, now in its thirteenth year, is open to any interested individual or organization for the study of any aspect of ephemera, defined as minor (and sometimes major) everyday documents intended for one-time or short-term use. The $2,000 stipend can be applied to travel and/or study expenses, but cannot be used to purchase ephemera.

American Geographical Society Library Fellowship

Agency deadline: December 15, 2019

Value: $500 per week, to maximum $2000

Duration: 2-4 weeks

The AGS Library fellowship program gives scholars an opportunity to pursue their work in proximity to a distinguished collection of primary sources. Approximately 4-8 fellowships are awarded each year for periods of time usually ranging from two to four weeks. The Library has strengths in geography, cartography and related historical topics. The Library maintains a wide variety of hard to find primary and secondary resources. Curator Marcy Bidney ( can be contacted with questions about the fellowships or AGS collections.

Ontario Centres of Excellence: Voucher for Innovation and Productivity (VIP) Program

• ORS deadline: 10 working days before submission to the agency
• Agency deadline: any time

• OCE Contribution: 50% (maximum of total eligible project costs, from $20,000 to $150,000. Minimum OCE contribution $20,000 per year)
• Industry Partner Contribution: 50% (minimum) of total eligible project costs (i.e., minimum 1:1 match to OCE contribution, in cash)

    • At least half of the 1:1 match must be spent at the post-secondary institution; remainder may be spent at the company
    • Cannot be leveraged with other federal or provincial grant programs unless otherwise stated in the program guidelines

Duration: 6 to 24 months

The OCE’s VIP program is designed: to help eligible companies develop, implement and commercialize technical innovations by supporting partnerships between Ontario’s industry and publicly funded post-secondary institutions; and to generate economic benefit for companies in Ontario (including job creation/retention, new revenue generation, investment attraction, cost savings, value chain development, in the short-to-medium term (e.g., within three years of project completion).

External Grants