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Global Voices Publications

Here's a compilation of all the publications submitted by our students who have taken or are currently taking courses at our Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, in English as a Second Language and/or English Language Studies.

This research paper examines the importance of culturally appropriate education for Indigenous Peoples of Canada. Specifically, focuses on “Call to Action” 12 from the Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC). This paper looks at the significance of creating an inclusive curriculum that aids in the preservation of Indigenous languages, literary stories, and aspects that are crucial to Indigenous cultures. Considering the Indigenous Peoples of Canada are not a homogeneous Nation, this paper recognizes the difficulties associated with creating new curriculums for communities’ rich and diverse languages and cultures. It shows that, suggested educational changes are crucial, not only for the cultural preservation of communities, but also for fostering a deeper understanding and respect for the rich history of Indigenous Peoples of Canada, and a necessary step towards reconciliation. This paper employs a literary review approach, exploring studies published in various academic sources. It aims to create awareness of this concern in hopes of educating and motivating further research.

Importance of Culturally Appropriate Education on Indigenous Future

by Hakan Bozca

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Canada has emerged as a country that embraces gender diversity and protects sexual minorities from unfair treatment. However, LGBTQ individuals in Canada are still victimized in many areas, and the workplace is no exception. This study investigates how, in the workforce, LGBTQ employees are discriminated more than cisgender employees. It also looks at how such discrimination affects them. By drawing a comparison with other leading countries, the importance of institutional and systemic supports at the government and organizational levels is analyzed. Media contents and statistical analysis from literature reviews are used to examine Canadian LGBTQ workers experience in comparison with the United Kingdom (UK). The research findings show that sexual minorities are discriminated in the labour market in Canada in forms of barriers to employment, wage gaps, harassment, and unfair dismissal.

Discrimination that LGBTQ Individuals Experience at Workplaces in Canada

by Hyunseo Yoo

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Systemic discrimination is a prevalent discussion in Canada’s multicultural society. Its impacts are felt in various aspects of life. Yet, one of its most detrimental effects is seen in education. This problem is deeply rooted in historical context, specifically, in the legacy of residential schools in Canada. Despite its abolishment, inadequate and inequitable education is still a persistent problem felt by Aboriginal parents and children. In this paper, I discuss the root causes of inequitable schooling for Aboriginal students, as well as their consequences in modern society.

How does Systemic Discrimination Impact Indigenous Parents’ Schooling Choices?

by Ngoc Tram Anh Vong

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In Canada, the overrepresentation of indigenous people in Canadian prisons is a well- documented problem. It is believed that the root cause of this ongoing concern is linked to  colonialism. In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) final report noted “Calls  to Action” meant to address this systemic problem (p. 324). Unfortunately, the high number of  aboriginal people in custody has not been improved over the past 7 years. This paper analyses  the connection between the legacy of colonialism, the “Calls to Action” proposed by the TRC  and the existing overrepresentation of aboriginal men, women, and youth in custody. Following  this discussion, this work proposes possible solutions.

Colonialism and its Link to the Over-Representation of Aboriginal People in our Canadian Prisons

by Ziqi Chen

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