Xiao Ning (Karen) Shi
Xiao Ning (Karen) Shi, a course director, is working at the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics at York University since 2008. She teaches Chinese language. She earned Ph.D. in Chinese Language & Literature in Fudan University, China in 2001. Her interest is Chinese Canadian History and Chinese in North America history.
- 从《中加移民条约》到《1923年华人移民法 》的历史转弯, Turning Point: The Failure of Negotiations for a China-Canada Immigration Agreement and the Enactment of the Chinese Immigration Act, 1923, Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies, Beijing, vol.4, December 2023.
- 新冠疫情时期加拿大华人国家认同与参政观的转变——2021-2022加拿大华人抗议者调查报告, “The Transformation of National Identity: Chinese Canadian Protesters in 2021-2022 Anti Vaccine-Mandate Protest Movements,” Sinological Research of East Asia, Vol.13, The Sinological Research Society of East Asia, Nagasaki, Oct. 2023, pp. 203-215.
- 20世纪早期美洲洪门致公堂改堂组党若干问题初探, “On Certain Historical Issues of the Conversion from Tong to a Political Party: Chinese Freemasons in the Americas in the 20th Century.” In Global Chinese Review, edited by the Academy of Overseas Chinese Studies, Jinan University, Vol. 6, 38-54. Guangzhou: Jinan University Publishing house, 2022, 38-54.
- 新冠疫情揭示亚裔百年定位的挑战, “A century review of Asian Canadians' history under the new challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.” In 2020-2021 Canada’s Policy Development Report, edited by Liu Chen, 62-84. Changchun: Jilin University Press, 2021.
- 中华革命党时期加拿大国民党简史——纪念辛亥革命110周年, “Brief History of the Chinese Nationalist League of Canada during the Chinese Revolutionary Era:110th Anniversary of the 1911 Revolution,” Journal of Social Science of Harbin Normal university, No.5, 2021, Total No.66, 114-121.
- 一战中加拿大国民党“党禁”事件始末, “Review of the Ban of the Chinese Nationalist League of Canada During WWI.” In Sonological Research of East Asia (Special Issue), edited by The Sonological Research Society of East Asia, 224-234. Xinbei, Taiwan: Shangda lianhe Ltd., July 2021.
- 毕生贡献给加华移民史和华社的学者——黎全恩教授学术概论, “A Commentary on the Academic Works of David Chuenyan Lai.” In 2019-2020 Canada’s Policy Development Report, edited by Liu Chen, 92-122. Changchun: Jilin University Press, 2020.
- 美国华侨司徒美堂的活动与生平考, “Brief Study on the Life of Chinese American Setu Mei Tang.” In Global Chinese Review, edited by the Academy of Overseas Chinese Studies, Jinan University, Vol. 4, 36-48. Guangzhou: Jinan University Publishing house, 2020.
- Book Review: Chao Longqi, Immigration, Order and Power: A Study of the History of Chinese Tongs in the United States. The International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies, Vol. 12, No. 2 (2020), 129-133.
- 1930年美国华人报纸关于梅兰芳在旧金山演出之旧迹, “Trace of Mei Lanfang’s visiting and performing in the United States in 1930 in North American Chinese newspapers.” Journal of National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts. Vol.4, Nov. 2019,1-5.
- 一战中国劳工过境加拿大过程考, “Case Study on the shipment/ transportation of Chinese Labour Corps (CLC) through Canada during WWI, Basic on official achieves in UK and Canada.” Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies, Beijing, September 2019, No.3, 70-80.
- 从革命到建设:辛亥革命前后海外华人政治心态的蜕 变 ——以《大汉公报》及崔通约为例, “Political Attitudes and Trends of overseas Chinese after the Revolution of 1911 –using the Canadian newspaper The Chinese Times and the editor Cui Tongyue as an example.” Social Science Journal, Shenyang, Volume 6, 2014,159-167.
- “The unity of beauty and thought in the Daoist philosopher Zhuang-zi's writings.” Seek Truth Journal, Harbin, Mar. 1999
- The formative influence of political rhetoric on the discourse of the classic, Warring States Stratagems, Social Science Journal, Shenyang, Nov-Dec 1996
- Confucian concept of li as the organizing principle in the Philosopher Xunzi's search for social order, Social Science Journal, Shenyang, Mar-Apr 1997
- Modern Chinese writers and the restoration of literary idealism and humanitarianism, Shenyang Agricultural University Journal, Shenyang, Mar 1996
- Comment on the ideological tendencies in Yang Xiong's FaYan, Journal of the History of Philosophy, Beijing, Oct. 1994
- A comment on The Trail of the Chinese Literary Spirit -- Succinct, Lucid, Profound. Eastern Quarterly, Guilin, Vol. 3 1994
- A literary appraisal of the sophist Zou Ji's advice to the ruler of Qi in Warring States Stratagems, Selected Works from Famous Chinese Literature, Shandong University Publishing House, 1992