Shalom and welcome to Hebrew
Hebrew is a fascinating language with a unique history. It is the language of the Bible and the language in which the Jewish people composed a large part of their literature over 3,000 years. Hebrew is the only language that was revived after almost 2,000 years during which it was not spoken as an everyday language and returned to daily usage in Israel, where it is spoken by millions with new words coined every day.
Learning Hebrew enables students to read the Bible in the original language and other classical Jewish texts. It also helps students engage with contemporary Israeli writers exploring the experiences of modern Jewish existence, the diversity of Israeli culture and society, the Holocaust, Middle East conflicts, immigrant experience and more.
The Hebrew section offers a variety of courses introducing you to Hebrew language, literature and culture across different periods. In our language courses, students plunge into a Hebrew-speaking environment through communicative and interactive methods. These courses are taught by Professor Ahouva Shulman, a native Hebrew speaker with many years of experience teaching Hebrew. Our literature and Israeli film courses are taught by Professor Sara Horowitz, Professor of comparative literature and Jewish Studies.
Our courses are open to students in any discipline. Hebrew courses may fulfil requirements of the Jewish Studies Major or Minor, the Jewish Teacher Education Program in the Faculty of Education and the Advanced Certificate in Hebrew and Jewish Studies. Hebrew is a perfect accompaniment to undergrad and graduate studies in a range of fields, including Religious Studies, Literature, Jewish Studies, International Studies, Linguistics, International Business, Communications, Classics and Anthropology.