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Learn Jamaican Creole–an English-based Creole language with influences from West Africa– from a born-and-raised native speaker. Evolving on the slave plantations the 17th century, Jamaican Creole is today spoken primarily by people living in Jamaica and Jamaicans around the world.

Learn to read and write in Jamaican Creole. Hone your conversational skills in Jamaican Creole and gain exposure to a wide variety of topics, from learning about the evolution of Jamaican music, theatre, religious beliefs and much more. Our courses are taught by Clive Forrester, a respected academic and native Jamaican Creole speaker who has done extensive research on the language.


Description: This course serves as an introduction to Jamaican Creole and is meant for students with no background in the language. It will develop basic oral, conversational, reading, and writing skills in the language.

Description: This course is specifically designed for individuals who have some knowledge of Jamaican Creole. It seeks to develop further students' proficiency in the language as well as to provide students with a deeper understanding of how the language works.

Prerequisite: AP/JC 1000 6.00 (Introduction to Jamaican Creole) or some knowledge of Jamaican Creole.

Course credit exclusions: None.

Prior to Fall 2009

Prerequisite: AS/JC 1000 6.00 (Introduction to Jamaican Creole) or some knowledge of Jamaican Creole.

Course credit exclusion: AS/JC 2000 6.00.

Description: Examines the relationship between Jamaican discourse and several of its artforms, including, but not limited to oral folklore, literature and music. Participants critically investigate the language heritage of Jamaica specifically from the perspective of some of its cultural artforms.