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Tráfico y producción cultural: trazas de una globalización fragmentada

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Tráfico y producción cultural: trazas de una globalización fragmentada

Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos book cover

Professor Shanna Lino has recently published a special edition of the Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos on the topic of "Tráfico y producción cultural: trazas de una globalización fragmentada" ("Trafficking and Cultural Production: Traces of a Fragmented Globalization" Vol. 38.1).

This monographic issue, which Professor Lino co-edited with Dr. Luis Molina Lora (Ph.D. University of Ottawa), drew together eleven critical essays from scholars in Canada, the US, and Latin America and is the first of its kind to theorize the notion of trafficking in the Spanish-speaking world, including that of people, narcotics, literature, cultural heritage, and history.

Year of book publication: 2013
Author: Shanna Lino