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York University undergraduate students were recognized for their work in poetry, short fiction, and screenwriting at the annual Creative Writing Program Awards ceremony

The online ceremony held on May 24 honoured the 2021-2022 winning submissions. The event was organized by David Goldstein, creative writing program coordinator and associate professor of English, with support from staff members Kimberly Wilson, Rose Crawford and Marijana Gmitrovic

“The awards ceremony is one of the highlights of our year in creative writing. Having the opportunity to honour students from the program and from all over campus for their fantastic writing is a thrill,” said Goldstein. 

The LA&PS Creative Writing Awards honour majors and minors in the Creative Writing program. Most of the awards are supported by donations from York alumni and affiliated community members. 

 Students, faculty and York University community donors gathered online to celebrate the 2021-2022 Creative Writing Awards recipients
Students, faculty and York University community donors gathered online to celebrate the 2021-2022 Creative Writing Awards recipients

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