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AP/EN 4576 6.0 19th-Century British Female Tradition

Home » Programs » AP/EN 4576 6.0 19th-Century British Female Tradition

AP/EN 4576 6.00

19th-Century British Female Tradition

Through selected texts, this course explores the 19th-century British female tradition. Authors studied and topics covered vary from year to year. Please consult the departmental supplemental calendar for a detailed course description.
Course credit exclusions: None.

PRIOR TO FALL 2009: Course credit exclusions: AK/EN 4752 6.00, AS/EN 4260A 6.00 (prior to Fall/Winter 2003-2004), AS/EN 4261 6.00. PRIOR TO FALL 2009: AP/EN 4576 6.00 was AS/EN 4261 6.00
