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Degree Options & Requirements

Beyond choosing to study Creative Writing, you’ve got the option to customize how you study. If you’re weighing two subjects of interest but can’t make a decision, you’re able to declare a major, which would be your primary area of study, as well as a minor, or secondary subject. Or give them equal billing and go for a double major. Whatever path you envision, you’ll have choices to accommodate you along the way.

Notes for all degrees

AP/CWR 2600 6.00 is the prerequisite for all Creative Writing degrees. It may be waived only by permission of the Creative Writing Coordinator, based on either portfolio submission or evaluation of transfer credits from other universities.

While certain courses in FA/FILM are approved for workshop credit in the Creative Writing Program, enrolment in these courses is not guaranteed for Creative Writing majors and minors. The prerequisite for FA/FILM 2121.6.00 is FA/FILM 1120.6.00, which is not approved for credit in Creative Writing. For further information on all FILM courses, especially regarding eligibility and prerequisites, please contact the Department of Cinema & Media Arts.

While certain courses in FA/THEA are approved for workshop credit in the Creative Writing Program, enrolment in these courses is not guaranteed for Creative Writing majors and minors. For further information on all THEA courses, especially regarding eligibility and prerequisites, please contact the Department of Theatre.

Important notes for all Creative Writing programs

No more than 6.00 credits at the 1000 level.

A maximum of 6.00 additional AP/CWR workshop credits may count towards major or minor requirement.

For workshop credits, please see the list of eligible courses on the Academic Calendar.

For literary context credits, students may fulfill this requirement through courses outside the English major if:

  • those courses contain a significant literary component, and
  • the student obtains the written permission of the Program Coordinator.

All Glendon workshop courses automatically count towards workshop requirements.

All Glendon English courses automatically count towards literary context requirements.

Honours Bachelor's (BA)

Students must pass at least 120 credits, including:

  • 21 General Education credits
  • 48 credits in Creative Writing, including:
    • AP/CWR 2600 6.00
    • 18 workshop credits, including at least 6.00 credits at the AP/CWR 4000 level.
    • 24 literary context credits in AP/EN courses, including at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level (6.00 credits of which must be at the 4000 level).
  • 21 credits outside the major
  • 30 credits in Free Choice courses (can include AP/EN courses)


Honours Double Major BA

Students must pass at least 120 credits, including:

  • 21 General Education credits (LA&PS)
  • 48 credits in Creative Writing, including:
    • AP/CWR 2600 6.00
    • 18 workshop credits, including at least 6.00 credits at the AP/CWR 4000 level.
    • 24 literary context credits in AP/EN courses, including at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level (6.00 credits of which must be at the 4000 level).
  • 51 credits satisfied by second major and Free Choice courses.

Note: In a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.


Honours Major/Minor BA

Students must pass at least 120 credits including:

  • 21 General Education credits (LA&PS)
  • 48 credits in Creative Writing, including:
    • AP/CWR 2600 6.0
    • 18 workshop credits, including at least 6.00 credits at the AP/CWR 4000 level.
    • 24 literary context credits in AP/EN courses, including at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level (6.00 credits of which must be at the 4000 level).
    • 51 credits satisfied by minor and Free Choice courses.

Note: In a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.

Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA

Students must pass at least 120 credits, including:

  • 21 General Education credits
  • 48 credits in Creative Writing including:
    • AP/CWR 2600 6.00
    • 18 workshop credits, including at least 6.00 credits at the AP/CWR 4000 level.
    • 24 literary context credits in AP/EN courses, including at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level (6.00 credits of which must be at the 4000 level).
  • 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program
  • 15 credits in Free Choice courses (can include AP/EN courses)

Note: Courses taken to meet Creative Writing requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. For further information on the interdisciplinary program, please contact Academic Advising in the Department of Social Science.

Honours Minor BA

At least 30 credits in Creative Writing, including:

  • AP/CWR 2600 6.00
  • 12 workshop credits
  • 12 literary context credits in AP/EN courses, including at least 6.00 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.

Note: At least 6.00 credits must be at the 4000 level.

Note: In a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.