Council meets monthly to make decisions regarding academic governance of the Faculty. Together with its standing committees, it is responsible for Faculty policy development and implementation in areas such as curriculum, academic planning, academic petitions, research, tenure and promotions, academic honesty, and student success.
All faculty, staff, students and members of the public are welcome to attend LA&PS Council meetings, but only elected members can vote.
Faculty Council recognizes the importance of cultivating a culture of fairness, equity, diversity and inclusion. Faculty Council ensures that these essential principles are integrated into the Faculty’s policies, programs, operations and practices.
Read our Land Acknowledgment which recognizes the unique and enduring relationship of Indigenous people and their traditional territory.

Meet the Chair
Robert A. Kenedy is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology at York University. He has been studying ethnic identity and Diasporas in Canada since 1989, with much of his research focusing on collective identity, ethnic communities, Canadian Diasporas, antisemitism, multiculturalism, civic participation, immigration, and resettlement. Most recently, he has been researching Lusophone-Canadian and Latin Canadian re-settlement, mentoring, tutoring, and community education. He has also completed research on antisemitism and the French Jewish Diaspora in Canada, as well as Canadian campus safety and antisemitism. His work includes editing books, guest editing various journal issues, and he is in the process of completing two books on the Working Women Community Centre and their outstanding accomplishments and service to various communities in Toronto.
Upcoming Meetings
Council meetings are now taking place over Zoom. To receive links to LA&PS Council meetings and materials through our listserv or if you have any questions, please contact