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Committee on Teaching, Learning & Student Success

This committee makes recommendations and develops policies to promote high quality and effective teaching and learning in LA&PS. They also adjudicate various faculty and student awards and support academic integrity hearings.

The Committee on Teaching and Learning and Student Success meets on the first Monday of each month (September - June) from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

From section 6.6 of the rules and procedures of council, updated April 2021.

In discharging its functions the Committee shall: 

1. In tandem with the Dean and in close consultation with Departments/Schools oversee the implementation/coordination of support of teaching and learning within the Faculty.

1.a. Recommend a statement of meaningful learning outcomes in LA&PS.

1.b. Develop policies to ensure learning goals and outcomes become an integral part of LA&PS culture and a prominent part of LA&PS’ profile in the wider community.

1.c. In collaboration with other Council committees on issues of joint concern, ensure alignment among Degree-level Expectations, other Faculty policies and the overall teaching and learning goals of LA&PS.

1.d. Monitor and assess LA&PS academic policies to reflect changes in the higher education environment, significant developments in research on learning and teaching in higher education, and changes in student preparedness.

1.2. Report annually to the Faculty Council on priorities and policy recommendation to enhance the teaching and learning in LA&PS.

2. Support a culture of effective and excellent teaching and learning:

2.a. Promote best practices that foster effective teaching and deep learning that are appropriate to different teaching and learning formats, including those tailored to specific constituencies (mature students, English as a second language [ESL] students, students with special needs) and in non-traditional formats (e.g. Internet, evening, compressed semesters, hybrid, experiential education);

2.b. Recommend policies for disseminating information about best teaching practices.

2.c. Identify emerging priorities in relation to student learning.

2.d. Monitor major research and publications on student learning for significant findings that might improve current LA&PS policies.

2.e.Advocate the development of appropriate resources and programs to enhance teaching and learning among all teaching staff, including teaching assistants, contract faculty, and tenure-stream faculty.

2.f. Promote faculty and graduate students’ participation in teaching and learning activities and their access to teaching and learning resources. 

3. Recommend policies that promote effective assessment of teaching and learning:

3.a. Encourage the development of validated course evaluations that yield high-quality information to support ongoing teaching development and decision-making.

3.b. Recommend protocols for monitoring and assessing the administration of course evaluations and recommend changes as necessary.

3.c. In consultation with the Dean's office, identify broad patterns in course evaluation results to identify areas of excellence as well as areas that need improvement and recommend appropriate policies.

3.d. Recommend best practices in the development of formative and summative assessments.

3.f. Recommend policies for the appropriate dissemination of evaluation results. 

4. Develop policies to give recognition for effective teaching and other contributions that strengthen the learning and teaching environment in the Faculty:

4.a. Periodically review teaching awards and grants.

4.b. Publicize LA&PS teaching excellence widely and encourage LA&PS faculty members to apply for other teaching awards.

4.c. Appoint members to the Dean's Awards for Teaching Excellence Adjudication Sub-Committee who will recommend candidates to the Dean.

5. Promote academic integrity within LA&PS and adjudicate academic honesty cases that are unresolved at the unit level: 

5.a. Review on an annual basis policies and procedures on Academic Honesty at the School/Departmental and Faculty level, and act in accordance with the Senate policies to promote academic integrity within the Faculty;

5.b. Give direction in accordance with the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty on procedures to Schools/Departments so that their procedures embody the appropriate standard of fairness and natural justice;

5.c. Collaborate with the Curriculum, Curricular Policy and Standards Committee on issues of joint concern and recommend as appropriate proactive, educative, and policy measures at the Faculty and School/Departmental levels.

5.d. Hearing Panels will be constituted by members from the full Committee to adjudicate cases of academic honesty that are unresolved at the unit level in accordance with the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty.

Full-time faculty members will be elected at-large for a three-year rolling cycle. Members elected at-large will not be from the same School/Department. Each year, one-third of the membership turns over and will be replaced on a rotational basis by other faculty members from different Schools/Departments who are not already represented on the Committee.

The Chair of the Committee is selected by the voting members of the Committee for a two-year term. 

At least half of the voting members of the Committee, the majority of whom are full-time faculty members, constitutes a quorum. 

Ex-officio (non-voting) members:

  • Dean or dean’s designate
  • Associate Dean, Students
  • Representative from E-services
  • Director of the Teaching Commons or designate
  • Director of the Learning Commons or designate
  • Senior Director, Student Success and Retention
  • Representative from Academic Advising
  • Chair of Faculty Council or designate
  • Secretary of Council or designate 

Dean’s Awards for Teaching Excellence Adjudication Sub-Committee Membership:

  • Faculty members who have distinguished themselves in teaching including:
  • One full-time faculty member from the humanities
  • One full-time faculty member from the social sciences
  • One full-time faculty member from professional studies
  • One contract faculty member
  • One undergraduate student representative recommended by the LA&PS Student Council
  • One Teaching Assistant
  • One ex-officio representative from the Teaching and Learning Committee who will report on the process of deliberation.

Academic Honesty Hearing Panel Membership:

Panels will have three voting members of whom two are full-time faculty members and one is an undergraduate student. An Associate Dean acts as the Faculty Presenter during these hearings and presents the allegations and evidence of breach(es) of the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty. 

2024-2025 Members

Faculty Members

Fernanda Carla-Salsberg, Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
Adebayo Damilola, Department of History
Manar Jammal, School of Information Technology
Saikat Sarkar, School of Administrative Studies
Carolyn Steele, Department of Humanities
Gail Vanstone, Department of Humanities
Linda Carozza, Department of Philosophy
Lisa Davidson, Department of Anthropology
Kate Kaul, Writing Department
Tanja Juric, Department of Social Science

Contract Faculty Representative

Andrea Kalmin, Department of Social Science

Teaching Assistant Representatives

Keefer Wong, Department of Sociology
Sarah Hasbini, Department of Political Science

Representatives from SCOLAPS

To be determined

Ex-Officio Members (non-voting)

Neil Buckley, Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning 
Michele Johnson, Associate Dean, Students
To be determined, Representative from E-services
Robin Sutherland-Harris, Representative from the Teaching Commons
Sheril Hook, Representative from the Learning Commons
Mary Chaktsiris, Associate Director, Teaching Innovation & Academic Honesty
Mona Frial Brown, Senior Director, Student Success and Retention
Derrick Fairman, Representative from Academic Advising
Carl Ehrlich, Chair of Faculty Council
Representative of Faculty Council