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Home » LA&PS Senate Representation

LA&PS Senate Representation

As part of York University governance, elected LA&PS community members serve as LA&PS representatives on Senate. Our representatives and committees liaise with their colleagues on Senate to ensure fair, transparent and effective governance of LA&PS and its fair representation across the University.

York Senate is responsible for the University’s academic policy. It oversees admission standards, sets the contents and curricula of all courses, establishes graduation requirements and confers degrees. There are up to 168 elected and ex-officio members of Senate who are representative of the University community. Senate carries out its business through committees which report to the Senate at regular meetings.

LA&PS Representatives Elected-at-Large (14)

NameDepartment/School Term End
Joanne MageeSchool of Administrative StudiesJune 30, 2025
Ron OphirSchool of Administrative StudiesJune 30, 2027
Ida FerraraDepartment of EconomicsJune 30, 2026
Brenda Spotton VisanoDepartment of EconomicsJune 30, 2026
Mehraneh EbrahimiDepartment of EnglishJune 30, 2025
Carl EhrlichDepartment of HistoryJune 30, 2025
Carolyn SteeleDepartment of HumanitiesJune 30, 2025
Gail VanstoneDepartment of HumanitiesJune 30, 2025
Sirvan KarimiSchool of Public Policy & AdministrationJune 30, 2025
Anderea KalminDepartment of Social ScienceJune 30, 2025
Sylvia PeacockDepartment of Social ScienceJune 30, 2025
Richard WellenDepartment of Social ScienceJune 30, 2026
Kim MichasiwWriting DepartmentJune 30, 2025

LA&PS Designated Members (21)

School and Department Chairs/Directors (20) & Dean (1)

J.J. McMurtryDean
Nelson WaweruSchool of Administrative Studies
Alexandrakis OthonDepartment of Anthropology
Ganaele LangloisDepartment of Communication & Media Studies
Wai-Ming HoDepartment of Economics
Andrew WeaverDepartment of English
Awalou OuedraogoDepartment of Equity Studies
Marilyn Lambert-DracheDepartment of French Studies
Frances LatchfordSchool of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies
Kathryn McPhersonDepartment of History
Elicia ClementsDepartment of Humanities
Marie-Hélène BudworthSchool of Human Resource Management
Enamul Hoque PrinceSchool of Information Technology
Gabriela AlboiuDepartment of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics
Michael GiudiceDepartment of Philosophy
Dennis PilonDepartment of Politics
Naomi CoutoSchool of Public Policy & Administration
Gamel Abdel-ShehidDepartment of Social Science
Ruth GreenSchool of Social Work
Robert KenedyDepartment of Sociology
Andrea McKenzieWriting Department

LA&PS Representatives on Senate Committees (3)

Name Senate Committee Department/SchoolTerm End
APPRCJune 30, 2027
Brenda Spotton VisanoExecutiveDepartment of EconomicsJune 30, 2026
Honorary DegreesJune 30, 2027