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Cafe Conversations Summer 2020

Les café conversations sont des sessions de conversation ouvertes à tous les niveaux de langue. Pendant l’été de 2020, les café conversations se déroulent les mardis de 18h à 19h ou les vendredis de 19h à 20h sur Zoom à partir du 19 juin. Les ID de réunion seront communiqués sur les réseaux sociaux. Horaire […]

Professor Hédi Bouraoui appointed as Member of the Order of Canada

Longtime York University faculty member and esteemed poet, novelist and essayist Hédi Bouraoui has been recognized as a Member of the Order of Canada. Bouraoui is among the 105 new appointments to the Order of Canada announced on June 28 by Governor General of Canada Julie Payette. The new member list includes three Companions (C.C.), 20 […]

Ensemble, en français | Together, in French

Ensemble, en français | Together, in French Fêtons la Semaine internationale de la Francophonie! Let’s celebrate all things French! On March 20, over 274 million people from over 57 nations across 5 continents will celebrate International Francophonie Day and thus creating multiple conversations.  French is an official language in Canada, and France, but also in 30 […]

Ensemble, en français | Together, in French

Ensemble, en français | Together, in French Fêtons la Semaine internationale de la Francophonie! Let’s celebrate all things French! On March 20, over 274 million people from over 57 nations across 5 continents will celebrate International Francophonie Day and thus creating multiple conversations.  French is an official language in Canada, and France, but also in 30 […]

Molière fait la comédie

Pour fêter une des plus grandes gloires du théâtre, Alain Vercollier et Les Indisciplinés de Toronto présentent un spectacle original et plein d’humour dans le théâtre Spadina les vendredi 11 et samedi 12 mars.

Royal Society of Canada elects five York profs into its ranks

Professor Marie-Christine Pioffet is an internationally renowned specialist in 17th-century travel and exploration narratives. Her research on New France radically transformed the scholarly study of explorations, colonization and evangelization in early North America. [read more...]

High School Teachers and Students! Book a visit to our department!

The Department of French Studies, York University, on the Keele Campus, invites high schools for a ½ day site visit from October to March. Participants will: learn what they can do with a French degree, experience firsthand a university French class, visit the Multimedia Language Center and the library. To arrange for departmental visits, contact […]