There are numerous scholarships, awards, prizes and bursaries available for students in the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies.
Ultimately, we want to recognize your academic success and provide a financial boost to those who need it. Not just a source of extra funds - scholarships, awards and bursaries are a great way to enhance your resume and university transcript, demonstrating your hard work and dedication to your studies.
Please note: all awards are subject to change or cancellation without notice. It is the student's responsibility to inquire about and make applications within the applicable timeline and according to the specific process for each award.
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Gender & Women's Studies
Awarded to a deserving student in the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies. Recipients must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
Arriscraft International is Canadian owned stone and brick company and is pleased to support the Women's Studies program at York University. Arriscraft International is proud to have supplied Adair Marble for the interior application on the York University Student Centre and the Renaissance Masonry Units for Calumet College.
Awarded to students enrolled in the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need.
A distinguished graduate of the undergraduate Women's Studies Program at York University, Beverly Mascoll's contributions to the betterment of society were recognized widely. The honours bestowed upon her included the Order of Canada, the Nova Scotia Black Cultural Centre Wall of Honour Award, the YWCA Women of Distinction Award for Entrepreneurship, Canadian Council of Christians and Jews Human Relations Award, the Governor General's Commemorative Medal and the Harry Jerome Award for Outstanding Achievement in Business.
Awarded to a Gender and Women's Studies student taking one or more Fine Arts course or a Fine Arts student taking one or more Gender and Women's Studies course. Preference will be given to students enrolled in Gender and Women's Studies and Theatre Arts. If no eligible student fits the criteria, the bursary will be available to a student majoring or minoring in Gender and Women's Studies and another program in the faculty of Fine Arts (i.e., Dance, Music, Visual Arts, Film).
David Gardner Wilkinson worked in the theatre as an actor, writer, producer, and publicist. David's family and friends established this bursary to keep alive his commitment and dedication to the theatre and to the Arts in general. His creativity opened up new directions in whatever work he undertook and his search for new challenges took him to many parts of the world. His fundamental belief in equity for all people is basic to the philosophy of this award and he would have enthusiastically supported an initiative that will help students to establish a career in the Arts.
The Ethel Armstrong Awards for Undergraduate Students provide support to undergraduate students in second, third or fourth year enrolled in a major or minor in Gender and Women's Studies who demonstrate strong academic standing Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need. Students may receive an Award more than once.
The intention of the Ethel Armstrong bursaries is to give financial and moral support to students enrolled in the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies at York University. The Ethel Armstrong Bursaries are named in honour of Ethel Armstrong, one of the first women to graduate from McGill University, and the beloved grandmother of a York graduate. Born in Montreal in 1875, Ethel wanted to become a doctor - but was turned down by the McGill medical school on grounds of gender. She studied Arts instead, graduating in 1895, as class president and valedictorian. Ethel went on to motherhood and active volunteer work at the Children's Hospital of Winnipeg. Widowed at 48, she put two of her children through university, one son - with much appreciated financial support from a generous donor graduated from the University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine and went on to specialize in neurosurgery, becoming the doctor she had dreamed of being. Her eleven grandchildren, who remember her with great affection and respect, celebrate her life through these bursaries which will help women to go to university and to pursue Women's Studies.
Past Winners
Ethel L. Armstrong Awards for Undergraduate Students – 4th Year
- 2022-23: Kayla Saunders, Meaghan Landry, Priscilla Yeboah, Sabrina Maxfield
- 2021-22: Camille Blais, Sharlene Clarke, Shawna Dimitry, Lucas Fasciale
- 2020-21: Katie Ferguson, Emma Gillmore, Nicole James
- 2019-20: Breanna Berry, Samantha Pugliese, Bissmah Rehman, Veronika Semenyaga, Chana Weiss, Whitney Williams, Hailey Young
- 2018-19: Leilani Bhatty, Viollet Knowles
- 2017-18: Adriana Crupi, Lopana Sagathevan, Sarah Valant, Sahar Yaghoubpour
- 2016-17: January Burbage, Paul Frost, Phoebe Gibb, Michelle Ho, Jennifer-Ashley Moore, Christine Murphy, Connie-Love Santos
Ethel L. Armstrong Awards for Undergraduate Students – 3rd Year
- 2022-23: Senzile Mnkandla, Sophie Neill, Veronica Alexander
- 2021-22: Jana El Masri, Audrey Krieger-Pottruff, Priscilla Yeboah
- 2020-21: Phoebe Anderson, Camille Blais, Jessie McGee
- 2019-20: Emma Gilmore, Viollet Knowles
- 2018-19: Emily Drake, Mojgan Khanjani, Samantha Pugliese, Hailey Young
- 2017-18: Viva Rae Davis Matthews, Margaret Kyle, Nicole Sardine-Hunter
- 2016-17: Mastoureh Alvandkouhy, Dakota Gomez, Lopana Sagathevan, Sarah Valant
Ethel L. Armstrong Awards for Undergraduate Students – 2nd Year
- 2022-23: Dolcie Davis, Emma Bowen, Rejane Classen
- 2021-22: Piper Anderson, Senzile Mnkandla, Kayla Saunders
- 2020-21: Kai DeMaeyer, Celine Hope, Lecia Thomas
- 2019-20: Camille Blais, Jessie McGee
- 2018-19: Eudora Ambuleh, Adriana Crupi, Viva Rae Davis Matthews, Sahar Yaghoubpour
- 2017-18: Krystal Lawrence, Samantha Pugliese, Ajay Romero
- 2016-17: Madeline Myshrall, Samantha Pugliese, Nicole Sardine-Hunter
Awarded to a second or third year undergraduate student registered in Gender and Women's Studies with no fewer than thirty credits and no more than ninety credits. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need.
In loving memory of our friend, and in celebration of our group's continuing friendship, we have created the Janet Dowdell Memorial Award. Janet was at the heart of our long-time circle of twelve friends. Her shining aliveness was an inspiration to everyone and her enthusiasm animated us all. As a mature student, she studied at Atkinson College and devoted her time to family, friends and community involvement. Janet was awarded the Commemorative Medal for Canada's 125th Anniversary of Confederation. It was given for having made a significant contribution to Canada, her community or fellow Canadians. Janet was dedicated to living, loving and learning. Her spirit may best be expressed in the words of George Eliot: " What do we live for, if not to make the world less difficult for each other?"
Past Winners
- 2022-23: Amina Ali
- 2021-22: Hanna Jalal
- 2020-21: Jenita Thakore, Denise Ruzage
- 2019-20: Mariam Ahmed
- 2018-19: Sadra Solange Nelson
- 2017-18: Christelle Katona Yongo
- 2016-17: Yao Blaise Adou
Awarded to an undergraduate student entering the third or fourth year of the Gender and Women's Studies Program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, who has completed the first year introductory course in Gender and Women's Studies and who shows either i) an interest in the area of lesbian studies, or ii) special academic promise in Gender and Women's Studies, or both.
Applicants must submit a one page statement outlining how they meet the criteria by the October 15 scholarships and awards application deadline. Letters should be submitted to the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies, 206 Founders College.
This award was established memory of the late Professor Kathleen Martindale, who, until her death in 1995, was a member of the English Department (Faculty of Arts) and Coordinator of the Women's Studies Program.
Past Winners
- 2022-23: Sophie Nadeau
- 2021-22: Shawna Dimitry
- 2020-21: Eunice Mbugua
- 2019-20: Samantha Pugliese
- 2018-19: Stephanie Dulgheru
- 2017-18: Sharbano Rezai
- 2016-17: Dorota Biedrzycki
The recipient will be a full or part-time undergraduate student enrolled in a major or minor in Gender and Women's Studies. Recipients must have a commitment to some form of activism, demonstrate financial need and be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person and resident of Ontario.
Applicants must submit a letter (maximum one page) outlining their activist goals and experience by the October 15 scholarships and awards application deadline. Letters should be submitted to the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies, 206 Founders College.
In support of York University's stated commitment to improving access to higher education, mature students, part-time students, first-generation students, students who are single parents and/or reside in York University's Black Creek community are encouraged to apply.
Past Winners
- 2022-23: Senzile Mnkandla
- 2021-22: Rejane Claasen
- 2020-21: Shawna Dimitry
- 2019-20: Nardia M. Givans, Portica John
- 2017-18: Antoinette Maria Salazar Medina
The Lodge Keele Gate Women Freemasons, Boersma Award in Women's Studies will be given to a third or fourth year student in the Gender and Women's Studies program who has achieved a GPA of 6.0 or better. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need.
Freemasonry is concerned with moral and spiritual values and is a way of life; a combination of religion, philosophy, ethics and a system of moral discipline. John and Robina Boersma supported this scholarship to mark Robina's fifty-plus years as a member in the Freemasons Order.
Past Winners
- 2022-23: Laeticia Kabamba
- 2021-22: Meaghan Landry
- 2020-21: Eunice Mbugua
- 2019-20: Nicole Sardine-Hunter
- 2018-19: Vivian Foncham
- 2017-18: Jane Thirikwa
- 2016-17: Kyla Shaw
This bursary will be awarded to a worthy francophone student enrolled in a French course offered in Gender and Women's Studies at Glendon College. Preference will be given to a Northern Ontario francophone student. Recipients must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
In recognition of Lorraine Gauthier's contribution to feminist scholarship in Canada and her advocacy on behalf of francophone women.
Past Winners
- 2022-23: Kylie Fuhringer
- 2021-22: Balkys Soumahour
- 2020-21: Catherina Blair
- 2019-20: Sophia Villejoint
- 2018-19: Charlotte Abergel
- 2017-18: Sarah Mills
- 2016-17: Matt Turner
This award is designated in alternating years to an undergraduate graduate student in the Gender and Women's Studies Program with a minimum grade point average of 5.0 (C+). Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need. The bursary will alternate between undergraduate and graduate competitions each year.
This award is to commemorate York University's establishment of The School of Women's Studies. Rev. Louise H. Mahood was York University's first graduate in Women's Studies (1984). The purpose of this endowment is to provide support for students in the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies students at York University. It is hoped that with financial support, the candidate can contribute to their education by serving on committees, collectives or boards within the University.
The Margaret Matheson Award in Gender and Women's Studies is offered to one or more students registered as a major or minor in Gender and Women's Studies. Recipients must have completed the core requirement, Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies (GWST 1501 9.0, GWST 1502 6.0, WMST 2500 6.0 or WMST 2510 9.0 or) with a minimum grade of 7.0 (B+). Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need.
Past Winners
- 2022-23: Pheobe Anderson
- 2021-22: Meaghan Landry
- 2020-21: Lisa Hallam
- 2019-20: Daniella English
- 2018-19: Katie Ferguson
- 2017-18: Ferhana Merkand
- 2016-17: Huda Sadoon
This bursary has a paper application.
Forms available: 206 Founders College in mid-August
Paper applications: Due date to be announced
Submit application to: Sue Sbrizzi, 206 Founders College
This bursary is for a mature student (a student who entered the university under the Mature Student Basis of Admission) who is interested in working 4 hours per week for the Fall and Winter terms in the Nellie Langford Rowell Library. The recipient will be a mature student registered as a Gender and Women's Studies Major or Minor with a GPA of 5.0 (C+) or higher. Recipients must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need. The bursary will be paid in two instalments over the Fall/Winter term. Payment of each instalment will be made on the condition that the student has worked an average of 4 hours per week in the Nellie Langford Rowell Library from September to December in the Fall term and from January to April in the Winter term.
Mary Matthew Ferguson Smith briefly attended York University as a mature student. She loved her work and believed firmly in the value of work; she reluctantly retired at the age of eighty. She was an avid reader, and libraries were an essential resource for her. Mary Matthew Ferguson Smith was strong in her conviction that women were, and should be, equal to men in such things as pay, opportunity, etc. She was also a proud Scottish Nationalist and a fiercely proud Canadian. She had a mind of her own and used it every day of her life.
Awarded to a second-year undergraduate student in the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent resident or protected persons, be Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need.
Established in memory of Sarah Piper Stevenson (1858-1943), a loving mother and grandmother, whose progressive thinking and compassionate nature led her to support her granddaughters to continue their schooling to the university level.
Awarded to one or more undergraduate students majoring or minoring in Gender and Women's Studies or Sexuality Studies. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need.
These bursaries were established in the year 2000 by the School of Women's Studies to assist undergraduate and graduate students registered in the School's undergraduate and graduate programs.
Awarded to an undergraduate student in the Gender and Women's Studies Program with a minimum of a C+ grade point average. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need.
This award commemorates York University's establishment of The School of Women's Studies. This award has been established to honour Theodora McKittrick-Smits, whose gifts of love, understanding and commitment to others have served throughout her life as an inspiration to all who know her.
Awarded to a student in the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies in good academic standing. Preference will be given to a student who was admitted under mature student status. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent resident or protected persons, be Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need.
Past Winners
- 2022-23: Dolcie Davis
- 2021-22: Dolcie Davis
- 2020-21: Marang Sebape
- 2019-20: Piper Anderson
- 2018-19: Mastoureh Alvandkouhy, Sharbano Rezai, Ajay Romero, Nicole Sardine-Hunter
- 2017-18: Viollet Knowles
- 2016-17: Breanna Berry
Essay Prizes
Awarded for the best essay submitted in the humanities on a topic relating to women. Excellence and originality are the chief criteria. Eligible essays may have been written for courses in the previous fall/winter and summer session. Students or course directors may submit eligible essays for consideration.
The prize was established in memory of Marta Danylewycz, promising scholar and inspirational teacher in history and women's studies, who died in 1985 at the age of 38.
Deadline date: Friday, September 15, 2023.
Nominations to: Administrative Coordinator, 206 Founders College
Process: Faculty may nominate or students may self-nominate undergraduate essays submitted to Gender and Women's Studies or Sexuality Studies courses during the Fall 2022, Winter 2023 or Summer 2023 terms.
Provide a brief note of nomination/self-nomination and submit a clean copy of the essay (with the student's name, student number, the course number, course instructor, and term) to the contact below:
Essay Prize Committee
School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies
206 Founders College
Past Winners
- 2022-2023: Sara Bursey for “Mary Kelly: The Evidence of Ageing”
- 2021-2022: Bissmah Rehman for “The Commodification of Breast Cancer: Examining Pink-Ribbon Marketing and the Profitability of “Curing” Breast Cancer via BMW’s 2006 Ultimate Drive for the Cure”
- 2020-21: Meghan Etcheverry for “‘John the Baptist, I collect your f*cking head’: From Salome to O-Ren Ishii”
- 2019-20: Meghan Etcheverry for “‘John the Baptist, I collect your f*cking head’: From Salome to O-Ren Ishii”
- 2018-19: Alex Hoyle for “ALL LIVES MATTER: The Denial of Racial Injury and its Problems to Black Culture”
- 2017-18: Atinkue Osunbunmi for “All the Girls Want Hot-n-Fun”
- 2016-17: Julieta Melano-Zittermann for “‘Girls Rule and Boys Drool’: An Analysis of ‘Girl Power’ and the Commodification of Feminism”
Awarded for the best essay submitted in the social sciences on a topic relating to women. Excellence and originality are the chief criteria. Eligible essays may have been written for courses in the previous fall/winter and summer sessions. Students or course directors may submit eligible essays for consideration.
The prize was established in memory of Melissa J. Knauer, feminist anthropologist who taught women's studies at York, and who died in 1985 in Africa while doing research on women as caregivers.
Deadline date: Friday, September 15, 2023.
Nominations to: Administrative Coordinator, 206 Founders College
Process: Faculty may nominate or students may self-nominate undergraduate essays submitted to Gender and Women's Studies or Sexuality Studies courses during the Fall 2022, Winter 2023 or Summer 2023 terms.
Provide a brief note of nomination/self-nomination and submit a clean copy of the essay (with the student's name, student number, the course number, course instructor, and term) to the contact person below:
Essay Prize Committee
School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies
206 Founders College
Past Winners
- 2022-2023: Angela Bennett for “Trans-parent. The Antithesis of Normative Motherhood”
- 2021-22: Sara Bursey for “Youth & Maturity: The Empowerment of Young Mothers"
- 2020-21: Laila Fateh for “L’évolution du rôle des femmes marocaines durant la lutte pour l’indépendance et le printemps arabe”
- 2019-20: Isabella Piccirilli for “Homonationalism and the Binary: A Blueprint of Canadian Sexual Citizenship”
- 2018-19: Rhonda Petrella for “A Thorn in Their Side: Adoptive Mothers’ Views on the Birth Mother of Their Child with Fetal Alcohol Disorder”
- 2017-18: Valerie Frappier for “Performing Affect Against Feminicide: Transnationally Locating Rebecca Belmore’s Vigil and Claudia Bernal’s Monument to Ciudad Juarez”
- 2016-17: January Burbage for “Between Communities: Non-Monosexual Exclusion”
Sexuality Studies
Awarded to an undergraduate student enrolled in a major, minor, or certificate in Sexuality Studies. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need.
The Metropolitan Community Church has established this bursary to commemorate York University's establishment of the School of Women's Studies in recognition of the lesbians who have gone before us and led the way to equality.
The Sexuality Studies Academic Achievement Prize is awarded to a graduating Sexuality Studies student or a non-degree student who has completed a Sexuality Studies certificate. The recipient will have achieved the highest cumulative grade point average in Sexuality Studies Program courses in a given year. Students who have applied to receive their degree or certificate in the previous 12 months are eligible. The recipient is selected by the Sexuality Studies Program Coordinator after winter term grades are reported.
Past Winners
- 2022-23: Helen Martin
- 2021-22: Jahdon Lowe
- 2020-21: Emily Coussons
- 2018-19: Adriana Rolston
- 2017-18: Kathleen Cherrington
- 2016-17: Nicole Cherbel
The Sexuality Studies Essay/Project Achievement Prize is presented annually to a student for the best undergraduate essay or project submitted in a Sexuality Studies core or non-core course. Course directors are invited to nominate outstanding student essays or projects completed in the previous 12 months. The Sexuality Studies Council appoints a three-person committee (two faculty members and one graduate student) to select the recipient.
Past Winners
- 2022-23: Helen Martin for “A Queer Critique of Canadian Marriage: A Search for Alternative Kinships.”
- 2021-22: Danielle Silva for “Resistance Through Queer Art”
- 2020-21: Judith Robinson for “Science of the Subject: Scientific Racism, Gender and Sexuality”
- 2019-20: Denysha Marksman-Phillpotts for “Black Quare Respectability”
- 2018-19: Adriana Rolston for “Operation Whitewash: Pride Toronto’s Homonormative, Neoliberal Erasure of Undesirable Queers on the Margins”
- 2017-18: Elana Haier for “Homonationalism in Canada”
- 2016-17: Kim Khanh Tran for “Queer in Translation: GIỚI TÍNH LES in Vietnam”
The Sexuality Studies Outstanding Student Contribution Award is presented to a graduating Sexuality Studies student or a non-degree student who has completed a Sexuality Studies certificate for outstanding undergraduate student contributions to the Sexuality Studies Program and the development of sexuality studies at York. Students who have applied to receive their degree or certificate in the previous 12 months are eligible. The award is for contributions made during the student's entire career at York and relevant contributions made outside of York may also be taken into consideration. In April, faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduate students are invited to nominate students for the award. The Sexuality Studies Council appoints a three-person committee (two faculty members and one graduate student) to select the recipient.
Past Winners
- 2022-23: Helen Martin
- 2021-22: Helen Martin
- 2017-18: Antoinette Salazar
- 2016-17: Matt Turner
Bridging Program for Women
Awarded to a current student who entered York University through the Bridging Program. Preference will be given to a student who has demonstrated involvement in projects that assist women entrepreneurs (this may include participation in micro-credit enterprises, involvement in community art activities, or involvement in independent business ventures. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, and residents of Ontario, and who demonstrate financial need.
This award was established in association with the Women's Intercultural Network. It is hope that the recipient will use the education received to help in a community, for example, helping to benefit the lives of women, children or minority groups.
Past Winners
- 2022-23: Rochelle Bennett
- 2021-22: Eudora Ambuleh
- 2020-21: Lecia Thomas
- 2019-20: Deqa Nur
- 2018-19: Petra Velandia
- 2017-18: Eudora Ambuleh
- 2016-17: Petra Valendia
The C. Jane Banfield Scholarship in the Social Sciences will be awarded to entering full-time undergraduate students studying any field of the social sciences in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, who demonstrate academic excellence. The LA&PS social science academic units include: Anthropology; Communication Studies; Economics; Human Rights and Equity Studies; Geography; Politics; Public Policy and Administration; Social Science (including Law and Society, International Development Studies, and Work and Labour Studies); and Sociology. Preference will be given to students who have participated in York’s Bridging Program for Women. Candidates are required to submit a one-page statement outlining their academic goals and, if applicable, how the Bridging Program will assist with their success at York.
The C. Jane Banfield Scholarship for Women in Business will be awarded to entering full-time undergraduate women students studying in the Bachelor of Commerce program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, who demonstrate academic excellence. Preference will be given to students who have participated in York’s Bridging Program for Women. Candidates are required to submit a one-page statement outlining their academic goals and, if applicable, how the Bridging Program will assist with their success at York.
The award will be made annually to a student admitted through a Bridging course and has achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 7.00 (B+), is a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person or protected person, an Ontario resident and demonstrates financial need. Preference will be given to a student entering a Gender and Women's Studies degree program. If there is no candidate entering the Gender and Women's Studies program, the award will be given to a student enrolled in less than 18 credits.
Established in memory and honour of Cathy Moseley, a women's studies Bridging course alumnus, who was passionate about learning and believed her calling was to help people. Cathy received her degree one week before she passed away in August 2000 from cancer.
Past Winners
- 2021-22: Portica John
- 2020-21: Katalin Halasz
- 2019-20: Katalin Halasz
- 2017-18: Petra Velandia
- 2016-17: Octavia Fung
The recipient will be an undergraduate student entering their first year at York University through the Bridging Program for Women in the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies. The recipient will have received a grade of 'B' or better in the Bridging course. Preference will be given to a student from Etobicoke. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need.
CFUW Etobicoke was established in 1952. From the initial ten charger members, the group has grown to approximately 300 members. We are a diverse group of active women with varied interests and a lot of camaraderie to share. Our members are encouraged to participate in important community issues.
Past Winners
- 2021-22: Rejane Claasen
- 2020-21: Lecia Thomas
- 2019-20: Suzetta Mafuna
- 2018-19: Lecia Thomas
- 2017-18: Deqa Nur
- 2016-17: Deqa Nur
The recipient will be an undergraduate student entering their first year at York University through the Bridging Program for Women in the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies. The recipient will have received a grade of 'B' or better in the Bridging course. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need.
CFUW North Toronto is a member of the Canadian Federation of University Women and the International Federation of University Women. The club, founded in 1977, is a voluntary, non-profit, self-funded association of university women graduates who are active in working to raise the social, economic and legal status of women, and to improve education, the environment, peace, justice and human rights. The North Toronto Branch consists of 135 women and is one of 67 branches in Canada. Members of the North Toronto Branch donate and raise money for the purpose of funding scholarships, bursaries and awards, and the 'CFUW-North Toronto Bridging Students Award' will allow the club to meet its goal of assisting higher education to women of all age groups.
Past Winners
- 2021-22: Iesha Williams
- 2020-21: Iesha Williams
- 2019-20: Lecia Thomas
- 2017-18: Suzette Mafuna
- 2016-17: Karzan Dylan
Awarded to a student who entered York University through the Bridging Program for Women. Recipients must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and must demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to a student enrolled in a major or minor in Gender and Women's Studies.
This award is made in memory of Dr. Vara P. Singh.
The Ethel Armstrong Awards for Bridging Students provide support to undergraduate students entering first year at York University from the Women's Studies Bridging Course or to continuing students who entered York University from the Women's Studies Bridging Course and enrolled in second, third or fourth year with a major or minor in Gender and Women's Studies. Preference will be given to first year students. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need.
The intention of the Ethel Armstrong bursaries is to give financial and moral support to students enrolled in the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies at York University. The Ethel Armstrong Bursaries are named in honour of Ethel Armstrong, one of the first women to graduate from McGill University, and the beloved grandmother of a York graduate. Born in Montreal in 1875, Ethel wanted to become a doctor - but was turned down by the McGill medical school on grounds of gender. She studied Arts instead, graduating in 1895, as class president and valedictorian. Ethel went on to motherhood and active volunteer work at the Children's Hospital of Winnipeg. Widowed at 48, she put two of her children through university, one son - with much appreciated financial support from a generous donor graduated from the University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine and went on to specialize in neurosurgery, becoming the doctor she had dreamed of being. Her eleven grandchildren, who remember her with great affection and respect, celebrate her life through these bursaries which will help women to go to university and to pursue Women's Studies.
Past Winners
- 2022-23: Alisa Joseph, Rochelle Bennett, Zahra Bagherian
- 2021-22: Eudora Ambuleh, Rejane Claasen, Roxanne Gillis, Portica John, Iesha Williams
- 2020-21: Roxanne Gillis, Syl Jack, Suzette Mafuna, Nissa Stephen, Iesha Williams
- 2019-20: Shukri Abdullahi, Eudora Ambuleh, Nardia M. Givans, Syl Jack, Portica John
- 2018-19: Paula Adams, Nardia M. Givans
- 2017-18: Novelette Blake, Nardia M. Givans, Nadine Mclennon, Nissa Stephen, Jessica Vasquez
- 2016-17: Shukri Abdullahi, Camile Chambers, Nadine Condo, Nardia M. Givans, Syl Jack
The First International Courier Award is offered to one or more students proceeding from the Bridging Program for Women offered by the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies into a degree program in any Faculty of York University. The recipient(s) will be chosen from among those who obtained at least a grade of 'B' in a Women's Studies Bridging course completed in the period of September to June of a given academic year and have registered in a course for the following Summer, Fall/Winter or Winter session. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need.
Past Winners
- 2020-21: Iesha Williams, Suzette Mafuma
- 2017-18: Judith Jessica Fred, Cecily Jacko
- 2016-17: Sagal Abdi Mohamoud, Jacqueline Saunders
The Gary D'Mello Prize for the Women's Bridging Program will be awarded to the first-year student with the highest grade point average who entered York University from the Bridging Program for Women. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need.
Past Winners
- 2019-20: Suzette Mafuna, Iesha Tamara Williams
- 2017-18: Danielle Howell-Tomlinson
Awarded to a student in the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies. Preference will be given a student a student who entered York University through the Bridging Program for Women. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need.
David Lucyk was a world-class sailor who died suddenly in his fortieth year in February 1996. His last racing accomplishment was winning in his class the "One-Two Across the Onion Patch" race from Rhode Island to Bermuda in June 1995. The Lucyk family is from Toronto. This award was made possible by the generosity of David's sister, Mary Lucyk Heaman, donor of the bursary.
Awarded to a current student who entered York University through the Bridging Program. Preference will be given to a student who has demonstrated involvement in projects that assist women entrepreneurs (this may include participation in microcredit enterprises, involvement in community art/activities, or involvement in independent business ventures). Recipients must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
This award was donated in association with the Women's Intercultural Network and is in memory of Martha Adolph.
Past Winners
- 2022-23: Alisa Joseph
- 2021-22: Roxanne Gillis
- 2020-21: Katalin Halasz
- 2019-20: Katalin Halasz
- 2018-19: Sophia Rochester
- 2017-18: Meaghan Miron
- 2016-17: Pegah Mohseni
Awarded to an undergraduate student with a preference given to a student who has entered the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies through the Bridging Program. Recipients must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
Through this award, Ms. Nel van Rijn is pleased to show support for the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies at York University. She has created this award to show her gratitude for the education she received in Canada.
Awarded to a student who entered York University through the Bridging Program for Women. Preference will be given to a student enrolled in a major or minor in Gender and Women's Studies. Recipients must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
This award is made in memory of Mrs. Sarojini Rowland.
To be eligible for this award, the recipient must be an undergraduate student who has successfully completed their first academic year (24 credits) at York, has a minimum ‘B’ average (6.0 GPA). Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents, and must demonstrate financial need. A student may only receive this award once during their studies at York University.
The University Women's Club North York Award for Bridging Students has been created to support students who have participated in the School of Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies’ Bridging Program for Women and advanced into a degree program in any Faculty of York University.
Awarded to an undergraduate student who entered York University through the Bridging Program for Women. Preference will be given to a student who has demonstrated involvement in projects that assist women entrepreneurs (this may include participation in micro-credit enterprises, involvement in community art activities, or involvement in independent business ventures. Recipients must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
The Women's Intercultural Network (WIN) was founded in 1985 by Dr. Vara P. Singh to facilitate networking and to promote information exchange and supportive programs relevant to women of diverse cultures in Canada. WIN champions the full participation of women from diverse cultural background in the political, economic and social life of Canada and dedicates all its effort to this pursuit. To affirm this goal, WIN undertakes those activities for women that will raise the awareness of common values within the Canadian mosaic, which will develop mutual respect through self-reflection and education, and which will nurture positive relationships between women of all racial and cultural groups.
Past Winners
- 2022-23: Zahra Bagherian
- 2021-22: Roxanne Gillis
- 2020-21: Deqa Nur
- 2019-20: Candice Jacko
- 2018-19: Deqa Nur
- 2017-18: Candice Jacko
- 2016-17: Karissa John

Looking for more?
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