The School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies at York University offers academic bridging courses for students who want to build the skills necessary for pursuing a university degree, while exploring topics relevant to the field of Sexuality Studies.
Bridging courses, for many participants, make the seemingly impossible, possible. Individuals who would not otherwise consider, or who may not have had access to university studies discover that they can develop the skills and the confidence to continue their education.
Program Information

Course participants must be 20 years of age or over, permanent residents of Ontario and comfortable in both spoken and written English.

A week before classes begin, there is an information session held at the site where the course will be taught. This allows participants to learn about the course schedule and material, to ask questions of the instructor and to register and purchase books.

This program is subsidized by York University as part of its community outreach program. The fee for community based courses is $150 per students, plus the cost of reading materials. Some book sets are available on a lending basis to those in financial need.

Course Completion
A grade of 'B' or better offers mature students admission to York University. The Sexuality Studies Bridging course is not appropriate if you require ESL instruction.
Note: If you have completed one full year or more of university or academic college studies, you may not need a bridging course to get admissions credential.
Course Details
Bridging courses normally span 13 weeks, with classes held once a week for three hours, typically in the evening. Class size ranges from 15 to 25 students depending on demand.
Instructors are carefully chosen to be sensitive both to the needs of the community and/or workplace and to the academic standards of university-level education. All our instructors have held or currently hold positions at York University and are qualified to teach both content and critical skills.
Course Content
In this 12-week course students will build the skills necessary for pursuing a university degree, while exploring topics relevant to the field of Sexuality Studies such as: normativity, intersectionality, queerness and the differences between sex and gender. We will use these concepts to think through a variety of forms: theoretical texts, articles, art, podcasts and a novel.
The course begins with a focus on building academic skills: effective note taking, how to identify and analyze an argument in a piece of academic writing and how to write an essay. Throughout the course, students will have the chance to develop their writing and presentation skills through regular short assignments that provide an opportunity for feedback and building upon what they’ve learned.
One week of the course will take place at York University to introduce students to the campus and the resources there. This course will push you to think critically about topics related to sexuality and prepare you for future academic study.
Upcoming Course
Course is cancelled!
Sexuality Studies Bridging Course
Hosted by the Bridging Program at York University
Develop the skills and confidence to continue your education in a supportive environment.
Learn about exciting concepts in the innovative field of Sexuality Studies. A great opportunity to be introduced to how gender, sex and sexuality impact us personally, in our relationships, communities and society.
Course Details:
Time of Course: weekly on Mondays, 6-9 p.m.
Orientation Session: September 9, 2024
First-Class Date: September 16, 2024
End Date: December 9, 2024
This course will be offered Online
Course Fee:
$150.00 + Books (Limited Enrolment)

Learn More
To register or get further information on the Bridging Program, please contact Celeta Irvin: 416-736-2100 ext. 77818;