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Congratulations to Prof. Marcel Martel and Prof. Richard Hoffmann – Elected to the Royal Society of Canada

Dear Colleagues:

I am very happy to report that our colleagues, Richard Hoffmann and Marcel Martel, have just been elected as Fellows to the Royal Society of Canada.  This is such an honour for our department and for our university.  On behalf of everyone associated with our department I would like to congratulate Richard and Marcel.  The citations are below:

HOFFMANN, Richard C. – Department of History, York University
Historian Richard C. Hoffmann is the rare scholar who established a new subfield in his discipline. Through his internationally-renowned, prize-winning and pioneering scholarship, his mentoring of emerging scholars, and his networking and organizational activities, he has built the environmental history of premodern Europe. His collaboration with Austrian aquatic ecologists had an impact on public policy regarding the protection and management of indigenous fish species in a number of European countries.

Marcel MartelMARTEL, Marcel – Department of History, York University
Récipiendaire de plusieurs prix prestigieux, Marcel Martel, titulaire de la Chaire Avie Bennett Historica Canada, est un spécialiste réputé de l’histoire canadienne. Il a ce rare talent de publier des ouvrages remarquables en français et en anglais. Ses ouvrages sur l’imaginaire national, la formation des identités et le Canada français ont profondément redéfini ces domaines. Ses études sur les politiques gouvernementales témoignent de son haut niveau intellectuel et de son influence.

Marcel Martel is a renowned historian whose research on collective memory, identity formation and French Canada has redefined the traditional boundaries of these fields. He is the recipient of numerous awards, and holds the prestigious Avie Bennett Historica Canada chair in Canadian history at York University. Martel publishes original scholarship in both French and English and his research is widely recognized for both its quality and impact on public policy.

Read the related Y-File article