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Career Opportunities

History is a dynamic discipline where students think critically about how the past has shaped the present and why events are remembered in different ways. History has long been a popular field of study and with good reason. You will acquire the skills that are necessary for succeeding in the modern workplace, including critical thinking, careful reading, energetic researching, analytic writing and effective communicating.

Before you graduate, get some experience!

The Department of History offers a fourth year placement course for honours students. This is a great way to get experience and a course credit at the same time. In addition, history students should consider the faculty-wide programs listed below that offer paid work opportunities.

LA&PS Co-op Program

Get relevant, practical work experience to position yourself optimally in the future labour market with the LA&PS Co-op Program.

Dean's Award for Research Excellence (DARE)

The DARE program gives undergrads a paid opportunity to engage in hands-on research with professors in LA&PS.

Possible career paths post graduation:

Majoring in History is the best first step toward a career teaching History or Social Studies in primary or secondary schools. Teacher certification (a Bachelor of Education degree) can be obtained at Canadian or non-Canadian schools, including York’s Faculty of Education. A Specialized Honours and a Master’s degree in History strengthens one’s job prospects.

The writing, research, and communication skills acquired by History majors are strongly valued by employers in these fields. Entry-level paid or volunteer work in these areas, either during or after university, is often a necessary first step. Experience with university publications and media (including student newspapers, literary magazines, audiovisual services, and radio programs) can be very valuable. Specialized programs at Seneca@York (including concurrent programs in advertising and radio/television), Humber, Ryerson and Sheridan are available. Long-term job prospects in these areas often depend on talent and luck, but it is worth noting that Toronto is a major centre for these fields and the popularity of historical and biographical programming on television is a good sign of the potential for future  growth in demand for history graduates.

Majoring in History is an excellent way to enter careers in these fields. Jobs can involve working on political campaigns, doing constituent services, aiding public officials, staffing public agencies, joining the civil service, serving in the diplomatic corps, or gaining appointed or elective office. In some cases, working as an unpaid intern or volunteer can be a good first step. In others, advanced degrees in law, public administration, policy studies, or specialized fields are necessary. Further information can be found on the websites for External Affairs, the Public Services Commission, and Heritage Canada.

Many History majors work in business, and many of the most successful complete a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) after finishing their first university degree. York’s Schulich School of Business is an excellent choice. Experience in the work world prior to applying to an MBA program is usually necessary. Consulting with business schools about admissions requirements is a good idea; this may shape the courses that you choose to take. Courses in Economics (or Business and Society) may be necessary.

A History degree is the first  step toward becoming a History professor. After finishing the Honours B.A. the next steps are acquiring a Master’s degree (M.A.) and then a Ph.D. in History. An M.A. typically takes 1-2 years and a Ph.D. typically takes 5-7 years. In Canada, most students first obtain an M.A. and then a Ph.D. (often at different schools). In the United States, many students skip the M.A. or obtain a combined M.A./Ph.D. The systems elsewhere in the world vary. If you are interested in graduate studies in History, consult with professors (if possible, early in your university career) about what courses to take, what language and other skills are needed and where to apply. Scholarships and other forms of funding are often available.

Graduate school applications, normally due in December or January, are a project in themselves. Plan ahead. As a rough guideline, you need a minimum B+ average. An Honours BA is sufficient; Specialized Honours is not necessary. Applications ask for a well-articulated personal statement and at least two letters of reference from university teachers. The History Department runs annual workshops on the process. For further information on applying to York’s Graduate Program in History (which is first-rate) can be obtained from the Graduate Program Office (2172 Vari Hall).

After majoring in History, the next step toward careers in law is to go to law school. (Some work first as a paralegal, law clerk, or legal secretary and then go to law school.) York’s Osgoode Hall is an excellent choice. For admission, strong grades and LSAT scores are imperative. Taking courses and writing papers in legal history (and Law and Society) are a plus. There are many different types of law, including family law, constitutional law, business law, international law, criminal law, etc.

Virtually every field now requires some familiarity with information technology, but many jobs in the information technology sector require more advanced skills. Many of these can be gained in the process of doing a History major if students take advantage of the opportunities presented for doing internet research, participating in internet projects, etc. Courses in Information Technology (ITEC) can be helpful.

NGOs include a wide variety of non-profit groups and institutions that operate alongside governments, both within and outside of Canada. Many NGOs work in areas such as international aid and development, international peacekeeping, urban and rural poverty, community health, community development, social services, immigrant support, etc. Language skills (bilingualism, multilingualism) are often helpful. In many of these areas, volunteer positions or co-ops are the best first steps toward paid work. Dedication to a cause, rather than to significant monetary gain, often has to be the motivation to work in this sector.

A History degree is a good first step toward careers in these fields. This is another area where volunteer work and co-ops can be helpful in getting a foot in the door. Advanced degrees in library science, museum studies and History can enhance one’s career potential. For further information, ask the reference librarians at Scott Library.