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The Department of History Welcomes Alan Corbiere as Assistant Professor

Dear Colleagues: It is truly wonderful to start 2020 by welcoming our new colleague, Dr. Alan Corbiere, to the Department of History. He is a scholar of Indigenous history in Canada and the United States, specializing in Anishinaabe history and culture of the northern Great Lakes region in the 18th and 19th centuries. His doctoral […]

Carolyn Podruchny Promoted to Full Professor

Dear Colleagues: I am happy to report that, unsurprisingly, our colleague Carolyn Podruchny has been confirmed in her promotion to Full Professor.  In her letter to Carolyn, President Lenton noted: You have a well-established and impressive research record that has earned you a national and international reputation in Canadian history and the history of its […]

Congratulations to Alan Durston on his new book: "Escritura en quechua y sociedad serrana en transformación: Perú, 1920-1960"

  Dear Colleagues: This department's output comes in many languages, and our colleague, Alan Durston has just produced a new book in Spanish.  Below please find the translated summary of the book, and the table of contents in Spanish.  Please join me in congratulating Alan on his new publication. Thabit ________________________ Escritura en quechua y […]