A comedy by Aristophanes, translated by Aaron Poochigian
No peace? NO LOVE!
In collaboration with the Departments of History and Humanities
Thursday, 6 April, 8 pm
Saturday, 8 April, 3 pm
Saturday, 8 April, 8 pm
Location: Fred Thury Studio Theatre, Vanier College 258
It's the fifth century BCE, and Athens and Sparta have been at war for decades. The women of Greece have had enough. Lysistrata ('Disbander of Armies') finally hits upon a solution: to unite all of the women in a sex strike until the men agree to make peace.
Lysistrata is a raunchy and highly obscene comedy by Aristophanes, ancient Greece's most celebrated comic playwright. In modern times, it has remained one of the most popular ancient plays due to its relevance to contemporary concerns about gender roles and political activism. York University's Programme in Classical Studies is proud to once again bring this wild tale of sex, war, and the fight for peace to the stage.