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Religious Studies Essay Prizes

Religious Studies Essay Prizes

Every year the Religious Studies program awards two prizes for the best essays written in Religious Studies courses in the past year. Now that the semester is over, I want to encourage you to consider submit your work to be considered for the prizes. 

The William R. Coleman Prize: This book prize is offered to the student who has written the best essay in a religious studies course offered on the Keele Campus. It is awarded for courses completed in the previous fall/winter and summer session. Established to honour Professor William R. Coleman upon his retirement from the Department of Humanities. An inspired teacher, he served as a model of the interdisciplinary approach highly valued at York University.  (Required Courses: 3000 or 4000 level Religious Studies course)

The Becky Lee Religion and Gender Essay Prize: This prize is awarded in the Fall term to an outstanding paper on the subject of Religion and Gender submitted for grading in a Religious Studies course in the previous academic year. 

The deadline for submitting your essay is July 1st. We will announce the winners at our Religious Studies event in September.